1. It’s impossible to get LGS for people on my server because no one runs shroud, and even if they do, it’s usually times I cannot. Can count on one hand how many times in last 2 years I’ve even seen a LFM for shroud. PUT AT LEAST THE 1ST 2 OF THE ALTARS ON THE SHIP!!!
2. It’s extremely hard to find anything other than the most recent raids, and even that is very sparse. Unless you’re on at the exact right pre-prime time to early prime time (eastern) time (which is not possible for me) you will wait 2-3 hours even on weekends just to attempt a grouping. If you can only play an hour to 90 minutes, this is unworkable.
3. Lower raid groups to 6 or 8 vs 12. Scale accordingly. I would be happy to accept lower drop rates if I am able to have any chance at threads, materials or raid items that are for all intent and purpose unattainable to me now.
4. Before anyone says it, I am not going to leave my server. These are real life friends and we are all in the same guild, and have additionally built friendships with people online. It would be disloyal and unfair to leave good people and actual friends behind. Isn’t going to happen. All servers, IMO, should be viable at most times. I’m not saying you should get everything you want at 3AM, but between 8-11pm I don’t see any reason why servers shouldn’t be made viable and more populous (lag aside).
My 2c. Thanks for listening.