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  1. #1
    Community Member Merrillman's Avatar
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    Dec 2017

    Default Please consider merging the two lowest pop servers for grouping!


    1. It’s impossible to get LGS for people on my server because no one runs shroud, and even if they do, it’s usually times I cannot. Can count on one hand how many times in last 2 years I’ve even seen a LFM for shroud. PUT AT LEAST THE 1ST 2 OF THE ALTARS ON THE SHIP!!!

    2. It’s extremely hard to find anything other than the most recent raids, and even that is very sparse. Unless you’re on at the exact right pre-prime time to early prime time (eastern) time (which is not possible for me) you will wait 2-3 hours even on weekends just to attempt a grouping. If you can only play an hour to 90 minutes, this is unworkable.

    3. Lower raid groups to 6 or 8 vs 12. Scale accordingly. I would be happy to accept lower drop rates if I am able to have any chance at threads, materials or raid items that are for all intent and purpose unattainable to me now.

    4. Before anyone says it, I am not going to leave my server. These are real life friends and we are all in the same guild, and have additionally built friendships with people online. It would be disloyal and unfair to leave good people and actual friends behind. Isn’t going to happen. All servers, IMO, should be viable at most times. I’m not saying you should get everything you want at 3AM, but between 8-11pm I don’t see any reason why servers shouldn’t be made viable and more populous (lag aside).

    My 2c. Thanks for listening.

  2. #2
    Community Member dredre9987's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    What server are you on? What two servers are you referencing?

  3. #3
    Community Member Merrillman's Avatar
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    Dec 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by dredre9987 View Post
    What server are you on? What two servers are you referencing?
    I’m on Orien. According to some things I am reading online Orien and Ghallanda are consistently under 150 people total, PER DAY, and under 1% of them LFM at any one time. If this is true, the chances to raid or get GS for me at any particular time are infinitesimal.

  4. #4
    Community Member dredre9987's Avatar
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    The two lowest population servers are Orien and Wayfinder. Third is usually G-land but that depends on day as some days Cannith is worse. Most of the time every server barring Wayfinder is over 150 people. Wayfinder rarely gets over 50.

    Argo is the default server atm I believe and they are consistently the top population. As the default changes so too does the top population spot.

    I can tell you personally your play times are a bit of a problem. I stop playing at 8pm. I know quite a few who stop around that time as well. Not too sure how to fix that. Prime time always has more people on.

    Merging servers in some way would definitely be better for some servers so +1 and /signed.

    Orien earlier today had over 300 people/lfms

  5. #5
    Community Member MistaMagic's Avatar
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    If they were to merge servers (and they won't) then listing the most populated from 1- 6, 1 should merge with 6, 2 with 5 and 3 with 4. But hey you can always transfer to Khyber
    Ozzgood 51, 51, 27, 42, 115. Ozzbad 51, 51, 27, 42, 100. Ozzugly 45, 51, 27, 42, 145. EvilOzz 51, 51, 27, 42, 135. Ozzistheworst 39, 51, 16, 18, 75. Ozzthegreat 5, 5, 2, 0, 15. and Alts on Khyber
    Past Lives: Heroic, Epic, Iconic, Racial., Reaper Points,

  6. #6
    Community Member dredre9987's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MistaMagic View Post
    If they were to merge servers (and they won't) then listing the most populated from 1- 6, 1 should merge with 6, 2 with 5 and 3 with 4. But hey you can always transfer to Khyber
    There are 8 servers but yes overall server populations should more closely match each other.

  7. #7
    Community Member SpartanKiller13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merrillman View Post
    3. Lower raid groups to 6 or 8 vs 12. Scale accordingly. I would be happy to accept lower drop rates if I am able to have any chance at threads, materials or raid items that are for all intent and purpose unattainable to me now.
    I won't speak to the rest of these, but most raids are pretty reasonably completable with 6 peeps (THTH aside). Not saying it's easy, but most raids require a few roles and the rest as filler (often a tank and someone doing the interactables). A first-life tank or a slightly-more-invested offtank is more than sufficient for LN/EH raids, and the talking/interacting person is experience/research which you can usually watch a few walk-throughs or read a guide and be fine.

    Most of DDO's raids have been soloed, and with 3-4 peeps who have an idea of what to do you can do the rest. Start with the easier ones and ones that require less coordination (like LHoX, LTS, DoJ, ADQ, Chronoscope) and move on to the more complex/coordinated ones later. Having a raid leader using voicechat helps a lot as well; raids like Project Nemesis go from difficult yoloing to easy with someone calling out lasers, for instance; or like calling out torches in Strahd.

    Older raids in general are really smashable with modern DPS. DoJ was a struggle to get enough DPS for higher difficulties back in the day, but a strong DPS toon now will be afk for half the raid today. I was curious about ZR last year so I farmed out some gear and was soloing it EE on a Silvanus melee life - I'd spend 5 minutes with a thrower getting her to 90% and then like 30s finishing the raid.

    Spend 2 minutes at the front of each raid covering the main raid mechanics and talk about complex parts for a few seconds before each. If you have some less-detail-oriented peeps keep an eye on them and/or assign them more straight-forward tasks

    Try shortman raiding out! It's not nearly as bad as you'd think, just requires some communication/coordination. Feel free to hit me up with questions or specific things you're struggling with
    -Khysiria of Cannith
    Quote Originally Posted by zehnvhex View Post
    Warlock is basically a ghetto Shiradi Sorc. You gives up some of the damage and self sustain for the ability to just hold down left click and yolo blast your way to victory.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    It's DDO. There are probably 6 different types of Evil damage.

  8. #8
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merrillman View Post

    1. It’s impossible to get LGS for people on my server because no one runs shroud, and even if they do, it’s usually times I cannot. Can count on one hand how many times in last 2 years I’ve even seen a LFM for shroud. PUT AT LEAST THE 1ST 2 OF THE ALTARS ON THE SHIP!!!

    2. It’s extremely hard to find anything other than the most recent raids, and even that is very sparse. Unless you’re on at the exact right pre-prime time to early prime time (eastern) time (which is not possible for me) you will wait 2-3 hours even on weekends just to attempt a grouping. If you can only play an hour to 90 minutes, this is unworkable.

    3. Lower raid groups to 6 or 8 vs 12. Scale accordingly. I would be happy to accept lower drop rates if I am able to have any chance at threads, materials or raid items that are for all intent and purpose unattainable to me now.

    4. Before anyone says it, I am not going to leave my server. These are real life friends and we are all in the same guild, and have additionally built friendships with people online. It would be disloyal and unfair to leave good people and actual friends behind. Isn’t going to happen. All servers, IMO, should be viable at most times. I’m not saying you should get everything you want at 3AM, but between 8-11pm I don’t see any reason why servers shouldn’t be made viable and more populous (lag aside).

    My 2c. Thanks for listening.
    They really need to do something specifically about wayfinder. Either merge it or offer incentive to get new players to it. WOW has traditionally offered regular exp bonuses and better drop rates to compensate lower populated servers. SSG should do the same. Or very least make LFG and quests cross server.

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