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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Default Sorc Epic leveling gear?

    I know its not really needed but I would likely to somewhat optimize my epic leveling gear for a sorc thats running racial + epic past lives.

    I am using a level 20 Flaming Forum post for my sentient stuff (8 slots, 4 ottos, 4 eye).
    At level 26 I have 4 pieces of LGS with +hp and +crit damge and LGS Ash/Affirmation in off hand.

    The rest is mostly CC gear but in nothing that resembles an optimized state. I am guessing its mostly CC, Borders, epic s/s/s and maybe Sharn heroic stuff thats on the table.

    Any advice is most welcome.
    Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    May 2012


    There's a VoN trinket and necklace set that I use on my caster. Mostly for the trinket. It's BtC though so that's a pity.
    I am also using 5piece slavers but that's probably not really optimal.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cru212 View Post
    There's a VoN trinket and necklace set that I use on my caster. Mostly for the trinket. It's BtC though so that's a pity.
    I am also using 5piece slavers but that's probably not really optimal.
    I, too, am using a 5 piece Slavers set from level 8, but looking to hopefully improve on that.

    I will definitely take a look at the Trinket + Neck set you mention, thanks. I assume its the Epic Dragon's Eye. In that case - definitely wow, I will want that
    What does the set bonus do since you want the necklace as well? If its just the +10 spell power isnt that done better by the heroic Flamecleansed set?
    Last edited by mikarddo; 08-28-2021 at 04:22 PM.
    Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda

  4. #4
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    Here is a draft for a ML20 // ML26 setup. Suggestions for improvement are most welcome. It would be kind of boring with so much Cannith Crafted gear without a chance for +reaper/+mythic so I hope I am overlooking some great named gear somewhere.

    Weapon: Borderlands Scepter (Combust, Ins Combust, Fire Lore, Ins Wizardry)
    Offhand: Immaculate Orb swap GS HAmp item // ML 26 LGS Ash/Affirmation
    Quiver: of Alacrity

    Heroic Sharn set for artifact bonus: 25 spell power, 5% spell crit, 2 cha, 1 dc.
    Armor: Blessed Vestment (False Life)
    Bracer: Hallowed Castigator (Ins Shelter)
    Cloak: Hallowed Trail (Q Spell Pen)

    Trinket: Epic Dragon's Eye (Wizardry, Magical Efficiency, Exceptional USP, Exceptional Spell Crit)

    Ring: CC (Con, Ins Con, Shelter)
    Ring: CC (Cha, Ins Spell Saves, Dex) // ML21 Ring of Crystalline Vanity (Cha, Profane Well Rounded, Profane Life Force, augment Dex)
    Googles: CC (Evoc SF, Evoc Ins SF, Ins Spell Pen)
    Neck: CC (Spell Saves, Spell Sight, Ins Cha)

    Boots: Sunken Slippers (Q Cha, Lesser Displ, Q Potency) // ML26 LGS
    Belt: Black Satin (Q SFM) // ML26 LGS
    Helm: CC (Wis, Ins Wis, SFM) // ML26 LGS
    Gloves: CC (Spell Pen, Resist, Ins Dex) // ML26 LGS

    At level 26 resists, other school DC and spell pen drop but nuking goes up from LGS spell crit mult. If possible add augment with resistance.
    Last edited by mikarddo; 08-29-2021 at 03:04 AM.
    Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    The Epic Immaculate Globe looks nice as well (+20 alchem spell power and more).

    I figure that would be worth wearing from 20 to 25 atleast swapping in the GS HAmp item when needed.

    Along with the DW, Mass clicky helm that actually means that Saltmarsh has useful items. I was beginning to wonder
    Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    I guess this really depends on two things .. playstyle and your leveling path..

    ie: are you a nuker first? and mass hold monster is a bonus? or are you going for the DC/Mass hold first and just nuking the leftovers? .. (evocation does not use spell pen .. so wearing spell pen gear is not going to help you if your primary focus is to blow things up.. )

    so first thing you should try and do ..
    make yourself a level 20 cannith gear set as a base.. (fill in any other items you have) then touch up some 24 and 26 items .. (more con, evo, sp, and lgs filler)

    to answer what kind of gear you need.. you should find out what XP path you want ... If your intent is to grind out epics asap .. do the same path for each life and target your gear set for that path ..

    for example
    20-26 I usually do necrof4 slayers, barovia slayers, wizking and 3bc ..etc .. AKA tons of undead so plan for that.. mass hold will be useless.. so be evocation heavy and bring your bat poo...

    fill in some blanks at 24 .. ie upgrade your spell power item, con/cha items and you evocation..
    then make a few 26 items to fill in your lgs stuff . (ie cha/con rings so they play nice)

    25-29 is stuff like storm horns, giant hold and lots of other quests were masshold and dc spells work better. so make some level 26-28 items for spell pen and enchantment.

    I usually try and finish 28-30 in thunderholdem .. so break out the evocation items and go burn some more undead..

    the key here is to make sure you don’t end up making a level 20 spell pen items and not use it until 27 and or getting the most out of the items you have to be efficient .. so keep your leveling path consistent so you have the right gear for the right levels at the right times.

    rinse and repeat until your done your epic pl's

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