Since gear is a mess right now, I figured I'd list the gear list I'm tinkering with. Subject to changes with sands of course and epic destiny pass. And I'm looking for advice if there's a way to improve it. I really wish I didn't feel compelled to have two saltmarsh required items, as I've been avoiding buying the "mini expansion".

Helmet: Leg Elder's Cap
Goggles: Leg Magewright's Spectacles - illusion dc +6, insight illusion dc +3, spell pen +9, set bonus (+3/+3 wis/dc)
Necklace: Legendary Winter Court Necklace - profane dc +2, profane hp, set bonus
Cloak: Leg Magewright's Cloak - enchant dc +6, insight enchant dc +3, wizardry, set bonus (+3/+3 wis/dc)
Gloves: GloryBorne Gloves, devotion, radiance, and sacred +2 dc
Bracers: Bands +14 wisdom, +2 quality dc boost, quality potency
Belt: Legendary Black Satin waste - +3 quality wis
Boots: Legendary Deep Snow Boots - +6 insight cons, +3 quality cons, fom, fortitude saves, set bonus
Trinket: Gem of Many Facet with Helm Set Bonus w/ +6 insight wisdom crafted, healing lore, magical sheltering
Ring 1: Elemental Ring of Lightning - magnetism, lightning lore, +5 spell focus universal
Ring 2: Clouded Dreams - Exceptional Spell Lore, Exceptional Spell power, +3 insight spell focus universal
Armor: Legendary Snowscale - physical sheltering +33, hamp competence +53, fort, parrying, set bonus
Weapon: Dusk the Light Descends - +6 evocation spell focus, radiance, radiance lore, brazen brilliance
Offhand: Alchemy Shield - glaciation, glaciation lore, +2 wisdom, improved cold augmentation

Constitution slots into an augment (I'm not going to fuss over 30 hp).

Can swap out Belt potentially if you are at even number without it - losing 1 dc for a single item isn't the end of the world and insight devotion from healer belt or extra hp would help immensely. Or for soloing maybe even a lgs belt for cold crit damage.

Stretch goal would be to get the set bonus augments for universal artifact spell power boost. But getting the runes for that would be a stretch for me with my other characters needing them as well.