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  1. #1
    Community Member Merrillman's Avatar
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    Default Epic Elite Difficulty — needs adjustment in light of u50-51

    I have always wondered why EH to EE is more (realistically, not based on what it says) than a 1-level jump. Now, with ED changes and overall downscaling, I believe it is the right time to address this inequity.

    Personally, as of now, I feel like Reaper 1 is better to play than EE if you have any reaper points. Reason being is the stat buff makes up for the crazed jump in difficulty, and you have no such benefit in EE. It’s weird, because of that, that it’s easier to solo R1 in some cases than EE. This is ONLY because EE feels like a 5-10 level difficultly jump from EH, whereas reaper 1 is slightly more difficult (as it should be) than EE if taken at face value.

    EE, if it really is a one level jump in difficulty, needs to reflect that more so than it does now. Damage, mobs, saves, etc, need to be scaled down by half of whatever the jump from EH to EE is in terms of numerical values on all Monsters and bosses. If. Not, then put the “reality” level on the dungeon so people have an idea of the actual jump in difficulty. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    EE is still quite a bit easier than ER1. Unless one has a build that can do solid self-heals and plenty of reaper points then EE is typically faster and less trouble to deal with.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rabidfox View Post
    EE is still quite a bit easier than ER1. Unless one has a build that can do solid self-heals and plenty of reaper points then EE is typically faster and less trouble to deal with.
    What if one has 100+ Reaper points? Is ER1 harder than EE then?

    Surely in reaper such a toon has access to a lot of stuff from the reaper trees that it doesn't have in EE.
    He left the name, at which the world grew pale.

  4. #4
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by donblas View Post
    What if one has 100+ Reaper points? Is ER1 harder than EE then?

    Surely in reaper such a toon has access to a lot of stuff from the reaper trees that it doesn't have in EE.
    Yes, EE can be easier still, no heal penalty can make a difference even with that depending on what someone is running. It comes down to ones build setup like rest of the game does.

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