12 more "Perfected" items to obtain via Nebula fragment upgrades (Perfected Adamantine Bracers, Perfected Skullduggery Cap, Perfected Bracers Of The Demon Consort, Perfected Gloves Of The Tinkerer, Perfected Skulled Ring, Perfected Amulet Of The Makers, Perfected Torc of Prince Raiyum-de II etc.)
Legendary versions of Demon Sands gear
New Shadar-Kai hairstyles
A new consumable item to use with Fred that will allow someone to unlock some deity options that were not available to them prior (Shadar Kai can use Blood Of Vol, Half Elf can use Helm, Bladeforged remains restricted etc.)
Giant chipmunk creature companion
Updated Cormyrian Weapons, now having level 28 items, augment slot upgrades, more combination possibilities, and more reasonable effect scaling.
Legendary Upgrades for Caught In The Web gear
A new raid based in Eveningstar featuring Graz'zt
A new universal enhancement tree that grants you the option of negative healing and imbues your melee attacks with various debuffs
A Cordovan faced Horse mount (You know we need it, I know we need it.... but do we sincerely want it? It is the mount we deserve!)