UPDATE: The game worlds have reopened.
The DDO game worlds will be unavailable on Wednesday, August 18th to release Update 50.2. Find the release notes on DDO.com.
UPDATE: The game worlds have reopened.
The DDO game worlds will be unavailable on Wednesday, August 18th to release Update 50.2. Find the release notes on DDO.com.
Last edited by Cordovan; 08-18-2021 at 09:55 AM.
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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Since it's not mentioned in the release notes, will I still not be able to update my Epic Golden Guile?
Also missing from the notes, will the missing Sands items be added to the legendary alter?
We don't only build for the builds that exist.
We don't only build for the builds that are good right now.
The fact that some changes are necessary is not diminished by the fact that other necessary changes have not happened yet.
Thank you for fixing the shifter racial tree.
In particular, the favored enemy.
With the s/s/s change, what happens to the choices for 20th completion in DQ, for example, for which the choice, if completed on epic, was 10 shard choices?
Fellowship of the Bling Ghallanda
Main: Shado
Tier 1 Alts: DareDelvis; Ottis; Tortelvis
Tier 2 Alts and Banks: JoeBiten; Hary Darkness; BurnyCynders; Ashhole; Mournfist; Maimonides; DareDelviss; Aeteentee; DareSoulvis; Rambam; Jawill; DoubleDee; Myzadventure; Krav Maga; Snakecobra; and others
The Saltmarsh Training Hall is now open for business! This is a building on the way out of town with horses in front of it that now contains the Saltmarsh class trainers and Fatespinner.
Will there still be an epic trainer in the Saltmarsh tavern? That was probably the key selling feature of the Saltmarsh instant transport item. It provides access to the Epic trainer, Bank, and Guild ship within steps.
Can I trade my SoS shard for Vault mats after today's patch?
We don't only build for the builds that exist.
We don't only build for the builds that are good right now.
The fact that some changes are necessary is not diminished by the fact that other necessary changes have not happened yet.
What about all the alch spell fizzling they still fizzle all the time its a little annoying
And some times the Magic missile immunity completely breaks i have no idea why on that then it works again
Damonz Cannith
The game worlds have reopened.
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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Hello from Standing Stone Games! Facebook Twitter
For Support: https://help.standingstonegames.com
send a thanks to techs and system devs
the patch takes me about 30 sec now
yes, i have a new better compter,
the old days with laptop and a patch taking an hour
30 sec for the whole thing
i am still floored how fast this can be
now to see if my alchy was nerfed
Kil Glory
30 alchemist
Still cant upgrade old epic rakshasa hide into new epic version with the legacy epic altar, says it was succesful but the item does not change.
Did SSG fix the Mantle of Suulomades set bonus to doublestrike? Description says +15%, but only giving +10%.
I put in a bug report, no response...
We don't only build for the builds that exist.
We don't only build for the builds that are good right now.
The fact that some changes are necessary is not diminished by the fact that other necessary changes have not happened yet.
It's not worth doing something unless you were doing something that someone, somewhere, would much rather you weren't doing.
-Sir Terry Pratchett