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  1. #1
    Micki's Delirium
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Jul 2011

    Default Disappointed VIP

    I have had an active VIP subscription for 10 years minus one month and have never considered cancelling until recently.

    This means that I don't own most of the premium features and will have to buy them once my subscription runs out.

    I have been aware that VIPs can't buy things from the store that are included in the VIP, but this hasn't really bothered me until now. As VIP I cannot purchase premium features when they are on discount, but will have to wait for the sub to expire.

    I am starting to feel that VIP is a trap to best be avoided. Don't do it.

    Also, SSG fix your store.

    The email I got:
    Greetings ...,

    I apologize for any confusion, but when you are subscribed as a VIP, you are not able to purchase features in the DDO Store that are included with your VIP access. I am unable to assist with a work around for this restriction, however we do appreciate feedback from our players on desired changes. I encourage you to post any constructive feedback in our DDO Store Feedback Forum.

    If you have any additional questions or concerns, please reply to this email and I will be happy to assist you.

    Thank you,

    Customer Support
    Standing Stone Games
    Read my blog: Micki's Delirium
    Follow me: @DDOMicki (Twitter) Thazara Of Orien (YouTube) DDOMicki (Twitch)
    Join Orien Raiding: Orien Raiding Discord

  2. #2
    Micki's Delirium
    2014 DDO Players Council
    Micki's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    I replied to CS, and a player told me that CS has done this for players before.

    Hi and thank you for getting back to me.

    I am aware that I cannot buy premium features from the store while having an active subscription, but are you sure you can not withdraw the TP from my account and activate shared bank for me?

    Thank you.
    But CS is sticking to their original message and will not do this for me.

    Hello ...,

    Unfortunately your best bet at the moment is waiting for your ViP to run out and then make the purchases. If you have any other concerns please don't hesitate to get back in contact with us.

    Customer Support
    Standing Stone Games
    Read my blog: Micki's Delirium
    Follow me: @DDOMicki (Twitter) Thazara Of Orien (YouTube) DDOMicki (Twitch)
    Join Orien Raiding: Orien Raiding Discord

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