I have had an active VIP subscription for 10 years minus one month and have never considered cancelling until recently.
This means that I don't own most of the premium features and will have to buy them once my subscription runs out.
I have been aware that VIPs can't buy things from the store that are included in the VIP, but this hasn't really bothered me until now. As VIP I cannot purchase premium features when they are on discount, but will have to wait for the sub to expire.
I am starting to feel that VIP is a trap to best be avoided. Don't do it.
Also, SSG fix your store.
The email I got:
Greetings ...,
I apologize for any confusion, but when you are subscribed as a VIP, you are not able to purchase features in the DDO Store that are included with your VIP access. I am unable to assist with a work around for this restriction, however we do appreciate feedback from our players on desired changes. I encourage you to post any constructive feedback in our DDO Store Feedback Forum.
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please reply to this email and I will be happy to assist you.
Thank you,
Customer Support
Standing Stone Games