Inquisitive and VKF +1 threat range and multiplier not work
Inquisitive and VKF +1 threat range and multiplier not work
With Improved Critical:Ranged and Inquisitive True Seeing (level 12 core), OP should have 16-20/x3 critical threat range but the details window only shows 17-20/x2, implying that only IC:Ranged is applying.
OP: try resetting the Inquisitive tree, logging out and back in, then redoing your Enhancements. Good luck.
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
That is what I get currently with Ratcatcher at level 28. I only have IC:Ranged and the Inquisitive core so hopefully it helps. Ratty is 18-20 x3 before modifiers, I am getting 15-20 x4 so I think it is all working as it should?
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Had the same issue see thread
So I reset the tree and put 20 points in the tree and I get the effects as expected 16-20 / x3. Filled the tree and it reverts to 17-20 / x2 (I have improved Critical: Ranged). So went hunting
OK it's the inquisition style - I'm a FVS and on selecting Divine Inquisition it does not apply 4th core True Seeing apply +1 Competence Bonus to Critical Threat Range and Multiplier with Light and Heavy (non-repeating) Crossbows. On resetting and selecting a different inquisition style all was fine. Bug report submitted.
So now my Crossbow is not a favored weapon so not getting the FVS hit/damage applied or the other benefits of it being a favored weapon
Last edited by CEastwood; 08-19-2021 at 05:07 AM.
Yeah, picking the option to make the weapon a favorite weapon breaks it getting the core 4 effects; which had been working fine before u50.
Working fine before taking putting the point into divine inquisition:
Put point into divine inquisition and it stops working (I tried other options in the tree and they still work fine- just the favored weapon on that's broken). It gains the favored weapon +hit/dam from CHA but lost the crit stuff from core 4.