There has been some critique about the charger/holder/spender system in the early preview of U51 and while I can't find where exactly, the devs had said that this isn't a system set in stone and may not make the cut (one of the many reasons why there was a need for an early preview).

If you don't include it in the EDs, may you make the psion-class out of it?

For some context, what is charger/holder/spender? In short, certain abilities give you specific charges (like mind charges, maximum of 3). If you have a holder enhancement, each of those charges gives a specific bonus (like each mind charge gives +1 for will saves). You can use up all charges by using a spender ability (like a cone which does 1d6+2 force damage per level plus 3d6 per charge).

Why does it work with the psion?

First, psionics are part of Eberron. There is the kalashtar race and there are the quori. Eberron was written to be a broad setting which brings a lot of angles.

Second, psionics in 3.5e (the rough basis of DDO) used power points (while others used slots) and you could use more power points to make a psionic power more lethal. While it would be too similar in DDO and the enhancing would be hard to implement, the C/H/S-system would somewhat pick that up narritavely.

Third, the devs wanted to have a unique class mechanic for a psion class, and if this is part of the core of the class, I can see it as different enough for it to work. This would invoke a kind of playstyle, which makes some resource management mandatory and to think ahead, to see in the future... just like a psion!

Fourth, those who don't want to use that not rarely used system in MMOs, they can avoid using the psion class (even for completionist! It takes just some heart. The +10-kind, that is).

Enhancement trees might be Kinetist (using telekinetic force to slow down and damage enemies), Mentalist (who uses Telepathy to charm, dominate, and stun enemies, so a more CC-focused tree), and Seer (who uses future sight for avoidance mechanics for himself and allies). If you like different kinds of charges for this system, we could have force, mind, and foresight charges this way.