Hello team,
I have seen that you are adding sentience exp gems to the Saltmarsh chests which is awesome. My question is why dont you make it so that sentience exp drops can happen in ALL Legendary content? 1k sentience is not that much and when you have 15 characters that need sentience it becomes really hard to keep up at end game with the ones that are not fully sentient in both artifact and weapon.
Having a way to farm it effectively would be great and i don't see why it would be a bad thing to add more ways to get sentience.
For the ones who already have max sentience .. this gives them a reason to level up other gems maybe secondary weapons (especially since you cannot just transfer the gem without dismantling it .. another thing i would like to see changed) so when you need multiple weapons PER CHARACTER because of situational enemy DR ... it wont feel nearly impossible to achieve it even if they are really rare drops.
from that perspective it would encourage more people to farm more content creating more parties and more player interaction. Additionally it would get people excited about end game grinding even when they already have their raid items especially if there is a higher drop rate in raids .... and encourage people to make and run alts at end game.
it only makes people spend more money and enjoy the game more ... i don't see what the negative side is ... especially after the stat changes (wont call them a nerf because it should be a one time balancing act not an actual nerf).