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Exactly. As long as THEY feel it's not affecting THEM, then they don’t care. I have friend who plays a PM. This update made his MRR & choice to use Medium Armor, along with a severe nerf of negative healing/power, which has vastly helped his survivability is basically useless now. Yet... paladins got relatively better, and DPS vs Caster DPS for melee is better. How is that “balance??” Me? I’m 20-30% less likely to hit a hold, stun or freeze now w my caster. The spellpoint pool. went down from the stat squish, yet spell costs are the same, holds are less effective five and damage is down 30-40-% vs Pally damage of 15-20, all of which means spells COST a LOT more relative to the pool, AND you have to use more spells to get the same effect either with damage or CC. So that, as far as I am concerned is pretty damned SPECIFIC. It’s also pretty concerning that people think that everyone is a reaper god, or even has access to raids. I don’t. I can get MAYBE an hour a day average tops. I can wait easily 2 hours or more on my server and NEVER EVEN START. The fact is public grouping sucks. That’s drips people out of getting LGS. It drips them from raids and raid gear. Not everyone can play 3-10 hours a day. It’s taken me almost 5 years to get 24 reaper points on ONE character. ONE. People seem to forget that there are people who can’t DDO 24/7, and yet we still contribute monthly revenue and deserve the same respect as any R10 basement dweller.