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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Default DARK SUN(Athas) themed expansion?

    Dark Sun had an mmo long time ago and had two games adapted into CRPG's by the glorious but dead SSI(Strategic simulations Inc.). I sadly never played Dark Sun Online : Crimson Sands but loved Dark Sun : Shattered Lands and Dark Sun : Wake of the Ravager. So, here is a suggestion from DDO - Dark Sun expansion content if this expansion ever comes.

    The expansion could be a lv 14~16 expansion with versions of the quest for legendary levels.

    • NEW CLASS : Psionicist - I know that it would take too much effort to implement, but psionic powers are rarely available in video games and are a huge part of Athas.
    • NEW CLASS : Gladiator
    • NEW RACES : Mul(half dwarf) and Half Giant.
    • NEW FACTION : Veiled alliance, rebels, psionics academy, arena
    • PLACES : Tyr city, Tyr zigguratt, tyr mine, underdark,
    • RAIDS : Raid the Kalaak palace and kill kalaak. Protect the new free city from the wrath of Borys, the level 30 defiler/lv 30 psion sorcerer king.

    Some content which would be cool from a quick brainstorming for a hypothetical expansion set in Athas.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2017


    I never knew Dark Sun had been put in electronic form, but my impression of the ttrpg campaign I was in, suggests that magic items are rare and that arcane magic is hated and reviled. Both of these facets are very contrary to ddo.

    So, based on my purely ttrpg experience of the setting, it;s a bad idea. Ddo has players carrying more magic items than mundane items which is contrary to setting, amd the hate against arcane magic is largely a roleplay aspect which is a weak point in ddo (certainly ddo is better than most in this regard, but it's still a weak point overall), meaning that full impact of these two key features of the setting will be largely absent if added to ddo and therefore would be a disservice to the setting.

  3. #3
    Community Member shmagmhar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Smile agree that darksun is super cool

    I love darksun I have the original books , I have suggested a darksun expansion before aswell. but after thinking about it , it might be done better as a separate game . stuff in Athas is way different how would you explain Clerics and Palladins ? for anyone reading whom might not know gods are silent in Athas and there are no Paladins and the shortage of metal would be hard to fit . we would get many new classes and races Defiler ,preserver , templar , gladiator . for races , half giant , thri-keen , mul , gensai , githyanki . im sure there must be a few i missed . would be alot for one expansion .

    we have menachtarun desert perhaps there will be new quest set there . instead of a sorcerer king we have a wiz king!

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