Only within the last few days has this been a problem. I am unable to connect to the game as of right now due to being unable to connect to a login server during what I think is the Authentication step.
I get the issue with "Searching for Logon server ... (Attempt 1-20/20) then crashes with the game error "Connection failed: Client timed out the connection". I've tried a few things while trying to fix this, but I'm not the best sleuth so I'm sure I've missed something. Might I be able to get some assistance from you fine folks? This is through steam, though I have recently downloaded the game from DDO.COM and am still having the same issue
Things I've tried so far that I can remember;
Flushing my DNS
Ip tracing to see if there is any packet loss anywhere other than when reaching the ddo servers (though I was using or w/e it was so I'm unsure if thats the correct address anymore)
Verifying integrity through steam, and through the launcher
Deleting the preferences folder
Deleting the patches and forcing a repatch
Reinstalling through steam (and a new install through the site)
Logging Tried logging in through other computers on different IPs which was successful(currently trying to check through the same IP)
Confirmed it was being allowed through my Firewall
Turned off my Firewall
Port forwarded to the 2016 posts ports (9000-9058), after setting static IP
Used a VPN to try and use a different IP (thorugh a free **** VPN so might not be the best test)
Turned off/on the router/modem
Like one or two other things I cant remember I'm sure.
It successfully started on my laptop, so it is an inherent issue with my computer, possibly another program or something interfering.