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Sure, first, why not?If rolling an 01 is good enough for my DD rolls, it's good enough for this.
Pest control?What is the biggest advantage of using magic missile for gardening?
Last edited by cdbd3rd; 07-30-2021 at 03:01 PM.
Even animated scarecrows can be unreliable. Magic missiles never miss!
Ghallanda (38): Vilas, Alphon, Whelm, Thaylan, Tyclmi, Amgine, Talc, Dedlee, Payle, Darell, Talenta, Zhen, Thrane, Arrith, Durdyn, Magefyre, Necrophil, Tulgey, Borogove, Hasugi, Shawal, Hailestorm, Branthan, Lightningbug, Bettercall, Elecktric, Zardu, Zergworthy, BrotherOf, Missadventer, Bytemy, Demogeorgia, Tizen, Warrcore, Permadeaf, Fullmettle, etc...
Magic missile always hits its target, so you don't have to worry about hitting the wrong plants when you aim for weeds. It also has the advantage of not being fireball.
Torimi, Syken, and Lursana Dragonheart of Phoenix Clan on Orien
What is the biggest advantage of using magic missile for gardening?
Precise weed removal and those weeds won't be able to hit back.
Add metas as required for those pesky blights and shambling mounds.
In all posts: Assume I'm just providing a personal opinion rather than trying to speak for everyone.
*All posts should be taken as humorously intended and if you are struggling to decide if I insulted you; I didn't.
the biggest advantage is that you hit the bugs 1st time
The range lets you weed or kill pests while lounging in the shade sipping something tasty with the local Beholders.
You won't get your hands dirty.
Multiple missiles pollinate multiple flowers at once!
A missile of magical energy darts forth and unerringly strikes its target flowers inflicting 1d2+3 pollination. For every two Gardener levels beyond 1st, you gain an additional missile—two at 3rd level, three at 5th, four at 7th, and the maximum of five missiles at 9th level or higher. Unlike most spells, magic missile can pass through other plants to reach your intended flower.
MOAR pollinating!
"You're a Jedi, Harry"
- Gandelf
Uhh kill tomato worms 10 at a time? Yeah got nothin for this.
Dispel magic first, the bugs know how to cast the shield spell
You can 1shot the garden gnomes!
Happy member of The Fellowship
You can grow magic missile-toe!
"Swords will cut you wide open!" - Trip Fisk
problem with all kinds of bugs, they keep RESPAWNING