I know - there isnt a real need to optimize level 15 gear - except for the fun of it.
Here is my take on a melee set for a THF Str based character. Comment are most welcome.
Weapon SoS
Quiver Q of Alacrity
Armor Enforcer's Coat (Fort, P Shelter, Hamp, False Life)
Neck Recruit Sigil (TS, AP, Deadly, Relentless Fury)
Gloves Hammerfist (Ins DS, CCI, Seeker, Ins Deadly)
Helm Crown of Butterflies (10 MP, 15 Hamp)
Googles Collective Sight (Wis, Ins Wis, Q Resist)
Trinket Cursebane Focus (Spell Saves, M Shelter, Ins Will Save, Curse Resist)
Bracer Mysterious (30 Hamp, Ins M Shelter)
Cloak Cloak of the City's Champion (Parry, Ins Con, Q P Shelter)
Belt Cannith Crafted (DS, Str, ins Str)
Ring Celestial Ruby Ring (Dex, Stunning, Accuracy, Ghostly)
Ring Celestial Sapphire Ring (Con, Dodge, Prof Well, Impr Decept)
Boots Flightfoot Greaves (FoM Reflex, Speed, Nat Armor)
The Mysterious bracers and the Cannith Crafted belt has the downside that these items cannot get +mythic or +reaper bonusses. For the bracer I think the extra heal amp is worth the cost. For the belt I am less certain if the doublestrike is worth it (the str can be made elsewhere).