I'm assuming the answer is "no", but confirmation would be nice because I've been wondering for a while.
The text "Roll a natural 20 and then confirm", is essentially the definition / what needs to happen, to activate "Vorpal" effects such as manslayer and, well vorpal..
If you have 19-20 vorpal range, from Perfect Single Weapon Fighting, or Sniper from Rogue Mechanic for Great Crossbow, does that activate those effects as well? Or does it still only work specifically on a 20 since that's what it says?
Or to put it another way, does the "Roll a 20" text have it's own unique coded check, or does it just use the same "vorpal check" code?
Server: Thelanis - Characters Main: Rusttttt, Sepiaaaaa, Amethysttttt - Other Alts: Flameeeee, Siennaaaaa, Rougeeeee, Roseeeee, Wineeeee, Marigolddddd, Zaffreeeee, Wisteriaaaaa, Scarlettttt, Rufousssss, Lilaccccc, Puceeeee, Azureeeee, Orchiddddd, Sinopiaaaaa, Amaranthhhhh, Violettttt, Umberrrrr, Tawnyyyyy, And More! Literally too many for the Signature!