What you are saying is true, Aelonwy, but there is this thing called inflation.
The government just printed 5 trillon dollars between last year and this year...
Imagine I bought my house back in 1998 for $248,000 USD. Now, I cannot even find a house in my neighborhood for less than 600,000$...
Gas used to be less than $1.00 per gallon back in the nineties. Now its over $3.00 per gallon. Some states like Hawaii and California shot over $4.00 per gallon occasionally.
A gift card of $50 in nineties can buy a ton of groceries back then, and now ....? not much.
I believe these Texas Festival shops need to make their bottom line as well, and I believe SSG too.
Of course, its up to us players to vote what to play with our wallets.