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  1. #1
    Community Member WarDestroyer's Avatar
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    Apr 2010

    Default Spear of the Mourlands bladeforged

    The goal here was to make a (good) flavour BF build using his master's weapon. The 2 levels of rogue are a no brainer for attack speed, haste boost and 25% doublestrike, but no further split seemed like much improvement. I was also debating CHA vs STR based, and right now am tending to the latter for ease of gearing, but am open minded.

    Classes: 18 Paladin, 10 Epic, 2 Rogue
    Race: Bladeforged · · · · ·Alignment: Lawful Good



    1· THF
    3· Mithral Body
    6· Child of Faith
    9· Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
    12· Improved THF
    15· Greater THF
    18· Precision
    21· Overwhelming Critical
    24· Beloved of the Divine
    26· Perfect Two Handed Fighting
    27· Swords to Plowshares
    29· Dire Charge
    30· Force of Personality?
    Legendary: Scion of Arborea

    Follow the lord of blades

    36 KotC / 11 TA / 12 BF / 21 Falconry

    Equipped Gear Set :
    Umbral soul (repair amp/false life)
    Hammerfist (seeker/ins doublestrike)
    Family blessing (ins piercing/doublestrike/deadly)
    Belt of direwolf (winter/deception)
    Deepsnow boots (winter/ins con/qual con)
    Nocturne ring (winter)
    Cloak of winter (winter)
    Brightlord (artifact/armor piercing)
    Crown of butterflies
    Collective sight (con/ins str)
    Ruby ring (accuracy/str/stunning)
    Bloodrage chrism (profane doublestrike)

    filigrees: 5 piece sanctified, suckerpunch+sucker+oneagainstmany
    swap goggles for trance
    Last edited by WarDestroyer; 07-08-2021 at 11:23 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Michele's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    you missed the level 28 epic destiny feat

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Apr 2018


    I think you may have missed more than the level 28 feat...

    the "favored weapon" is the Spear of the MourNlands... nice drop, grats

    The advantages from taking 2 rogue levels:
    - as you have taken the Mithral Body feat, you plan to use evasion on a DEX and INT dumped build... sure, Pallys get great saves but nevertheless...

    The essence of your build are not only based on saves but also on DR... Adamantine Body and losing evasion may be the way to go... not sure.

    Your build stats are "MAX STR->CON->CHA", you don't state if you have any tomes. If you did, I would recommend thinking about the following alternatives... going to assume that you have 5+ tomes and 36 point build:

    something like... STR 14 DEX 8 CON 16 INT 14 WIS 6 CHA 18

    2 levels of rogue:
    - Get +15% Attack Speed with Quarterstaffs, a Strikethrough attack (+3[W], +25% Doublestrike buff), Strikethrough (heroics) = 160
    - lose KotC capstone

    BUT, this would be my split...

    4 levels of rogue
    - Get +15% Attack Speed with Quarterstaffs, a Strikethrough attack (+3[W], +25% Doublestrike buff), Strikethrough (heroics) = 180
    - level 3 TA gives +5[W] cleave, the amazing Shadow Dodge ability, the extra 20% Strikethrough AND "free" Swords to Plowshares Feat
    - level 4 Rogue/TA gives +6[W] AoE, +30% Helplessness damage and the Uncanny Dodge feat that could be really useful if you want to use Mithral Body
    - lose KotC capstone and 5th core (no 500 extra damage on a vorpal, etc)

    Enhancements and Feats
    I would dump Falconry and go Feydark Illusionist...
    - 36 AP into KoTC
    - 11 AP into FI for CHA to hit and damage + Greater Color Spray
    - 26 AP into TA
    - 12 AP into BF (if you have 5+ racial AP; otherwise, just 21, or less, into TA)

    1. 2HF
    3. Mithril or Adamantine Body
    6. Magical Training
    9. Improved Critical (Slashing)
    12. i2HF
    15. g2HF
    18. Precision
    21. Overwhelming Critical
    24. Construct Exemplar
    26. Perfect 2HF
    27. Blinding Speed
    28. idk, Perfect 2WF or First Blood or Holy Strike
    29. Dire Charge
    30. Improved Critical (Piercing)
    30. Scion of the... Arborea works sure, but Mechanus or Astral would be good choices too imo. Mechanus would free up AP in BF tree if needed giving you access to more helpless damage (from Greater Color Spray) and the extra +6[W] AoE attack.

    ED... FotW would be cool but US would be extremely compatible for a CHA-based Pally.

    Let us know how it goes! GL
    Last edited by Gnominal_Aphasia; 08-01-2021 at 01:57 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member WarDestroyer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Thanks for the input. Yeah, Adamantine certainly will be better than Mithral at cap, forgot to write that down. And also yup, I got a +5 tome of each, forgot to write that down.

    Peeps at discord convinced me that doing 36 KotC/ 31 SaD / 11 TA will be nice defensively, so I'll try that. No AP to be CHA based, and STR will be considerably higher anyway.

    I honestly think that with +25% doublestrike from TA this build will turn out great, specially now that U50 hit the game.
    Last edited by WarDestroyer; 08-04-2021 at 08:08 PM.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Feb 2010


    I have done both a 15/5 and a 18/2 Pal/rog BF.
    15/5 Allows for a lot of Stick Goodness, earlier in the game-I have mainly Sticks for weapons so I tend to go this route.
    18/2 Strikes a nice decent balance with some nice Stick skills to complement the paladin abilities, better tank and more spells.

    18/2 works well if you goal is just to use the Spear for near end-game.

    15/5 is great if your goal is more Stick fighting.

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