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  1. #1
    Community Member Draconica's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Default A celebratory post to commemorate the ending of season 4!

    A shout-out to everyone we met along the journey of this year's hardcore season. Especially everyone we met during the last weekend and the hectic race to the finish line! Thanks for some eventful questing! Usually we run mostly in our static team of three but well... HC is HC for a reason.

    Like last time our team of three, left it kind of late when it comes to getting that favor. In fact we were sitting at 4354 favor with five days to go, when we decided to head into Mask of Deception... a decision that cost us dearly. As a champion caster ended the run for one of us. Then we decided to try get onto the favor list in honor of our fallen friend. And we made it!

    Here's an image to celebrate! Pictured the team at the start (around lvl 9) Cardo, Sarvinainen & Larendell and then Cardo and me at the end. Also pictured, the champion that ended Larendell. And finally a reunion with our whole team, when Larendelee also managed to finish his race to 20 in a day or so.

    See you all next season!
    Officer of the Finnish guild Brotherhood of Blades on Cannith. Icydarkness, Lokidottir, Jadeleliana, Pinkpyro, Vinotar.
    Hardcore: s6 Icywolf of Cannith, s5 Lumi, s4 Sarvinainen, s3 Taikamiekka of Cannith, s2 Rubiini, s1 Jadead.

  2. #2
    Community Manager
    Cordovan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Very nice!
    Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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  3. #3
    Community Member Qadashael's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Nice Collage!

    Lapsed player from 2009-2011 that returns for Hardcore Leagues.

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