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Ok peeps. You’ve been playing DDO so much, and take it so seriously, that you did not recognize SARCASM. No, I wasn’t serious. No, I don’t think you should give away reaper points. I DO think that PL, EPL, RPL, and RP are the MOST significant (but not only) factor in success in reaper, or other content. The reason you even PLAY reaper is that after topping out all 3 PL tasks, the game is too easy, and after topping out RP, the game again becomes easy. Instead of complaining about making the game HARDER for people who do not have the time (I can play an hour a day for the rest of my natural life and I will never accumulate all the PL that people have) that you do to play, why don’t you just start from scratch? Should be easy if it’s skill.
I do NOT think you should have your grinding reduced any more than I think my own grinding should be, and elemental DPS — the only thing I like to play — is getting utterly MASSACRED by this nerfular bomb.
Again. I was JOKING. It was meant as riff on the giveaways in life everyone in this country seem to want. I’m totally cool with players being “better” but to me (and no one has to agree) you either have 1) a far more popular server, as mine I can wait 2-3 hours or more before even coming close to the amount of people to play a raid or 2) you’ve just spent so much time playing you, naturally, have simply committed to memory the most efficient ways to play, and very likely have maxed out gear of every type and from raids or GS (I have none). I can’t get into a raid very often. Just can’t wait hours before it starts. Again, it was sarcasm.