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  1. #20
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2020


    God, I wish people would stop suggesting to dumb reaper down, make it easier.
    Personally I want reaper 11 reaper 12 and more points added to trees. Wish the devs would stop catering for imaginary new players and expecting people to suddenly show interest. It's a 15 year old game, the players we have are the ones that have stuck with it for years and most of us are conplestionist. I would be interested to see how many new accounts are made compared to the amount of long term players. This isn't going to be the next World of war craft. What new player knows how long it will take to grind out all past lives and reaper points? They don't, it's a mmorpg, they just want to play dungeons and dragons in a party.

    Biggest problem with this game is the inability to group, it's like a dial up mmorpg. The lfg thing is attrious. Pick a class you want, what pug has that option avaible, there is no one on.
    Everyone I know doesn't even use the lfg they use discord to form groups, 3rd party software. Also to communicate because the general voice chat is terrible. Stop screwing with stuff that not vital and fix the major players. Nerfing and making the game simple isn't going to fix the root cause...being as mentioned too hard to find people to play with.

    Do this;
    Cross server lfg for quests and raids, then transport the players to the quest entrance, if required on a separate server. Then any dummy can login, play and join groups. The problem isn't with the game mechanics or reaper.
    Last edited by Catabree; 06-26-2021 at 02:18 AM.

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