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  1. #1
    Community Member Alexander_Glantri's Avatar
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    Apr 2010

    Angry How can I repair the patch server 33% problem?

    Several months ago I stumbled in a problem/bug... the update program (ddoupdate I think) patched at 33% and then it ended there, I found a possible cure for that problem: to put the numeric ip of the patch server in the host. file at c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\ETC\hosts.
    but I can't do it: how do I use the notepad to save a file without any extension and how do I save in that protected directory?
    Valerio Blanco y Pinol
    Last edited by Alexander_Glantri; 06-23-2021 at 02:08 PM. Reason: spelling error

  2. #2
    Community Member arminius's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    If that is the solution, you have to save the file with an account that has local admin rights. If this is a personal pc and not a work pc, presumably, since you have the game on it, then if you don't normally log in with an account that has admin rights, you can use "run as" to copy with an account that has admin rights, or just log off and log on with an admin account.

    As for the file extensions, you have to go into the File Options and turn off "Hide Extensions For Known File Types." That will enable you to see clearly if you have inadvertently named a file that should not have an extension as .txt, and remove the .txt as needed.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Alexander_Glantri's Avatar
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    Apr 2010

    Default I can't

    Quote Originally Posted by arminius View Post
    If that is the solution, you have to save the file with an account that has local admin rights. If this is a personal pc and not a work pc, presumably, since you have the game on it, then if you don't normally log in with an account that has admin rights, you can use "run as" to copy with an account that has admin rights, or just log off and log on with an admin account.

    As for the file extensions, you have to go into the File Options and turn off "Hide Extensions For Known File Types." That will enable you to see clearly if you have inadvertently named a file that should not have an extension as .txt, and remove the .txt as needed.
    I tried to be an admin but it didn't work for me: I think that I have another kind of problem, I run windows 10 professional 64bit italian, could I have other kinds of problems?

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