A superb intention

, my impression is that players who are active on the forum are often such min-maxers and they come to the forum to tell everyone DDO is too easy (for them) and the developers seemingly felt driven to make DDO even harder then.
And those min-maxers maybe don't even have the intention that DDO has to be harder, it is even possible they only want to tell everyone they are good players

The next thing is that if you increase for example the monster saves so that no ability works anymore it feels, of course, harder at the first glance but actually it is only unfair and in addition, you lower the quality of DDO with that.
In the extreme, you give monsters fortification that high that no player can bypass it, saves that high that you land any ability only when the monster rolls a 1 and so forth and at the end, you have a DDO where nothing else works other than beating a monster down with your weapon and hoping the monster is dead before your hp (and heals) ran out.
The same basically for red-named boss monsters, even when I love DDO, honestly the boss monsters' fights are usually much less interesting than fighting a normal champ monster, it only needs more time with less fun.
And I know, to raise the difficulty level and increasing the quality of DDO at the same time is difficult but not impossible, a good example is the introduction of vengeance reapers in my opinion.
But making DDO harder by lowering the quality (making DDO poorer) is, in any case, the wrong way and it is good to see you now going to correct that.
It is not the only issue in U50 with items but I'm not happy especially with the implementation of Spell Resistance in DDO.
Of course, it is hard to tell for a player because I cannot read the minds of the developers (what a surprise

) but my impression is there is no fundamental conception in how in DDO spell resistance is implemented.
I don't want to go too much into the details (e.g. ridiculous high monster CR or that monsters get in reaper unfairly high spell penetration) but with this change, it gets even worse for everyone who tries to get a working SR score on his character.
A lot of items have their spell resistance nerfed in U50, e.g. the
Epic Phiarlan Mirror Cloak is now down from 30 SR to 21 SR and you completely removed SR from the
Infested Armor (and the epic version).
Of course, it would be better when SR gets a real overhaul in DDO but for now, it would be good if you at least not nerf the existing items even more.
And I'm not even sure if you actually know how SR works in DDO when I see the following fact:
In a nominal level, 6 quest drops an ML 6 item that has 9 SR (
Shadowshimmer Cladding) but if you would use this armor in the same quest you fight casters with CR11 and this means that your Spell Resistance on you outfit would NEVER work.
I know you can have different opinions on how high the success rate on spell resistance should be, but if I see you implement an item in that way it tells me you either have no idea about SR in DDO or at least something has gone horribly wrong here even if you basically should know it better.
It is of course not the perfect solution but SR on items should at least scale with the ML of the item like
Spell Resistance (spell).
Remember, usually, you acquire an item in a quest that is made for your current character level, and the items you get should be not only sufficient for this quest level, usually, you also play even higher quests. (in this case, you get an ML6 item but play an effective level 8 quest).
This leads by the way to another fundamental design flaw in DDO, the conception of ML items is fundamentally wrong in my opinion and demands correction but I also don't want to go into details here.
And just as a reminder if you not sure how SR works in DDO you need an SR Score of 20 plus the monster's CR for a 100% working Spell Resistance unless the attacking monster got additional spell penetration.
And this means for my example IF the
Shadowshimmer Cladding would provide 18 SR (and not 9) this only means your SR works only with a 35% success rate in the quest where you get that item which is in my opinion obviously FAR from being overpowered.
And even if I don't want to go too much into the details in my opinion a player should have access to 100% working SR at least against non-boss monsters.
Remember even 100% working SR gives in DDO "only" similar immunities like a Warforged or undead character has and for that reason also 100% working SR is for sure not overpowered.