The number of empty whisky bottles racked up since they announced the much maligned U51 is scary ...
Anyway nice to see some feedback from Cordovan which says they have read every single post folk have made in feedback (gosh) and have made some changes including considering dumping the despised/unfun/rubbish/putrid/rancid builder/charge system (Yay). Quite impressed they have responded, using Cordovan as the middle man, and seem receptive. I guess many of the design team have also had reservations so they have had alternates in mind
However, overall they seem to be going ahead with the massive and unwanted change.
So have they considered the massive impact this update will have on the DDO Wiki? It is the go to resource for nearly everyone but doesn't happen or stay current by magic. I think they need to offer some Dev time, PLUS some whisky PLUS signed photos of Cordvan in his leathers to DDO Wiki folk so it can be aligned .
Any other thoughts?