I didn't want this to be lost in the more valuable feedback about destinies and destiny enhancements and whatnot, however, I did want to praise whomever was responsible for the art for the new fatespinner public zone(s) although I've forgotten exactly what they were called... something of the Spheres?
Anyways, each landscape(?) section was truly epic and wondrous, with interesting but appropriate set design and what made them even more special were the NPCs chosen for each destiny. For instance, nothing and no one could have been more appropriate to Fatesinger than Hyrsam. I very much enjoy when NPCs from earlier stories show up elsewhere, it lets the player know that NPC's story doesn't always involve them. The Dragon behind the Dragonborn for Draconic Incarnation... awesome. A Dryad for Primal Avatar? Well of course!
I hope even after we have spoken and unlocked each destiny we will still have access to this area for screenshot purposes, its just too spectacular a zone to only see once per character ever.