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Actually, I think you could get away with playing a first life no-prior-gear free-to-play Archmage Evoker dps caster wizard, as long as you manage your expectations. The game has 14 difficulty levels: Casual, Normal, Hard, Elite, R1-R10. If you have average video game competence (i.e. you don't need to have fighter pilot reflexes, and assuming you're not a complete klutz at video games) you can probably complete at least half of all the DDO quests as a first lifer on Normal difficulty. If you find yourself getting killed in a particular quest, you start over on Casual difficulty. If you still can't finish on Casual, skip it. You only need to earn 1.9 million xp to get to level 20. The levels are going to zoom in.
Your 28 point build for this would be:
Human race
Max int
16 Con
Rest of your points into Charisma for UMD (wands and scrolls for backup self healing)
Have a hireling cleric tag along as your primary healing source
20 wizard
Concentrate your enhancement points in Archwizard. You will especially want everything that gives an SLA damaging spell. The cores gives you magic missile at 1, chain missile at 6 and Cyclonic Blast at 18. Tier 3 gives you Arcane Bolt around level 3 and Arcane Blast around level 12. These 5 SLAs go in action slots 1-5. When you run into an enemy, these are going to be your go-to attacks. You just move down the row pressing keys 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. If an enemy dies, Tab to the next one and repeat.
You get 1 bonus feat as a human and a bonus feat at level 1 as a wizard. Everyone gets 1 feat at level 1. Human wizards get 3.
At level 1 you should take:
1: Empower, Maximize (wizard bonus), Quicken (human bonus)
These three Metamagic feats are going to give your SLAs a lot of power. Empower and Maximize will make them do a lot more damage. Quicken will make them cast faster. Your Core 1 Magic Missile is going to ruin the day of many kobolds and orcs.
Remember that Metamagics are free on SLAs. I spent a lot of time when I started DDO not knowing this. Learning it was a game-changer. Turning on metamagics for regular spells will up their cost prohibitively. But the cost stays the same with all SLAs turned on. You turn on/off metamagics for particular spells by right clicking on them. You can also turn them on/off universally by dragging your metamagic to a hotbar and clicking on it.
3: Mental Toughness
5 (wizard bonus): Improved Mental Toughness
These feats are going to give you bonus spell points. You'll need them. Spell points are a resource you're going to have to learn to manage. It's easy to run out. NB --> This is also why you want to have a cleric hireling. Some of them have a a nifty enhancement called Divine Vitality. Focus the "cursor" on yourself and click their Divine Vitality button and your cleric buddy will restore some of your spell points. Shrine in a can!
6: Insightful Reflexes
Instead of using Dexterity bonus for reflex saves, you use Intelligence bonus. Traps are going to be an issue. This fixes that.
9: Enlarge.
This increases the range of your spells. It can be an issue in some quests and in wilderness areas.
10 (wizard bonus): Spell Focus: Evocation
12: Greater Spell Focus: Evocation
All your evocation spells will have higher DCs from Spell Focus, which makes it harder for monsters to save against them.
12 (wizard bonus): Heighten
This also increases the DCs of your spells. It's a metamagic, so it costs spell points if you turn it on for a spell. It changes the spell level of the spell to whatever spell level is currently the highest spell level you can cast. Increasing the spell level of the spell increases spell DC on a 1-for-1 basis. E.g. if you're a level 11 Wizard, highest spells you can cast are 6th level. Color spray is a 1st level spell. Let's say your standing base DC for this spell is, idk, 20. Turn on Heighten, and now the DC is 25. It makes Color Spray think it's a 6th level spell for purposes of determining DC. When you hit level 13, Color Spray will convert a 7th level spell for DC calcuation, and your DC in this example will go up to 26. When you hit level 17 and can cast 9th level spells, it bumps 1st level spells up by +8 DC. Quite a jump. It does nothing for 9th level spells, of course.
15 (wizard bonus): Spell Focus Enchantment
15: Greater Spell Focus Enchantment
Increases your crowd control spell saves.
18: Augment Summons
Helps with your hirelings. At this point, you've taken all the useful feats for a caster.
20: Extend.
Makes spells with a duration last longer.
In order of importance, take Spellcraft, Concentration, Use Magic Device, Search, Spot, Balance, Tumble, Heal, Perform and that will surely max out your available skills until you hit 20.
Spellpower and spell critical for Force spells, definitely. It probably doesn't hurt to have spell power and/or crit when you can find it for one or two more of Fire, Lightning, Ice and maybe Acid, if you can fit it in somewhere. You can typically find spell power and crit on rando scepters, orbs and rings. Check the auction house regularly. Thaumaturgy on items is an especially nice prefix to find, since it adds two spell powers and a Potency (which adds to all your spell powers, at a lower level). You can also find spellpower on armor.
Other magic properties on rando items to look for: + Int, +Con, Deathblock, Fortification, Speed (especially on boots), Saves, False Life/Vitality.
Happy to answer other questions you might have.