OK I am going to get real for a moment...
If you want to be a pure living wizard you are going to have to follow this plan...
Suck it up and play as undead until you can self heal then reset enhancements. This means start off with good charisma and max UMD INCLUDING taking a SKILL FOCUS feat for UMD (USE MAGIC DEVICE) Always look for UMD and insightful UMD ITEMS in the AUCTIION HOUSE as well as ANYTHING that boosts Charisma.
UMD is the only thing that will save your face in grouping. Every Vet here knows it is THE MOST IMPORTANT skill to have for those who can't turn SP (or ki) into HP.
If you can at least get cure serious wounds wands and scrolls to 80 percent you can start taking off the shroud. But don't stop there the goal is heal and restoration scrolls. Keep reaching for higher UMD.
Palemaster is made especially for newb wizards...you can't keep your skelly forever...Archmage is where the power is. So start off PM and in the morning you will be AM and it will be another day....if you make it as a ftp fleshy you deserve respect.
Normally people don't do wizards until a few past lives and tomes....unless they been here awhile and want a challenge.