Here's a THF newbie-friendly melee wizard:
As for the evoker, that's pretty easy to build:
-Max Int, then max con, then whatever.
-You will be using Spell-Like Abilities (SLAs) for most of the damage. Big thing about SLAs is that you can apply metamagic feats to them for free, without costing extra spell points. Wizards can grab a lot of SLAs from Archmage and Pale Master.
-So as for the feats, start with Maximize, Empower, Quicken, Heighten. SF:Evo.
Your blue bar is not unlimited, so start conservative with SLAs, but later start adding spells to your rotation.
Sonic Blast is a great spell from level 1, due to its AoE nature, no save vs damage, potential short CC effect, plus it breaks boxes.
You can run as a living person with hireling for healing; but later consider also undead forms from Pale Master, where you can heal over time with (Lesser) Death Aura and Negative Energy Burst. If so, grab also Extend Spell to make your auras last longer.