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  1. #21
    Community Member Stravix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cernunan View Post
    Well thank you for trying to get me to stop supporting the game..

    I am sure that you and the other 3 people defending this blatant money grab will have fun after everyone else quits
    I'm not trying to get you to quit, just curious as to why you play it if you just speed farm without actually enjoying your time you play it.

    If I'm assuming too much, I'm sorry, but that's just the way it sounded.

  2. #22
    The Hatchery Cernunan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stravix View Post
    I'm not trying to get you to quit, just curious as to why you play it if you just speed farm without actually enjoying your time you play it.

    If I'm assuming too much, I'm sorry, but that's just the way it sounded.

    If the game 20 to 30+ is a slog and unfun grind with a terrible new gating and charge system that we used to have and was hated so much they removed it from the game, then the 20-30 levels will be too much of an unfun grind for most people.

    They are forcing a level cap raise, because they want to monetize the game levels 30+. The only way to do this is to reduce the current power level we have worked hard to earn, and make that power level now the new end game at lvl 30+, because they can't figure out how to stretch the current game past 30, except to nerf the current level, then sell it back to us at the new end game levels.

    Other MMO's have done things like this. That's why people stopped playing them.

    It's a really bad business practice that leaves a really bad taste in people's mouth
    Quote Originally Posted by nobodynobody1426 View Post
    If you look across all the changes it's basically a giant nerf to all the stuff we used to use while trying to force folks into theme based playstyles.
    Quote Originally Posted by PermaBanned View Post
    Profit quantity has been prioritized above product quality. (Note: this quote was from 2013, things never change)

  3. #23
    Community Member Torkzed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stravix View Post
    I'm not trying to get you to quit, just curious as to why you play it if you just speed farm without actually enjoying your time you play it.

    If I'm assuming too much, I'm sorry, but that's just the way it sounded.
    I'm not sure why you would assume that he is not having fun going fast. The way I read his comments, he was saying that he would have less fun without the abilities he would lose, but that it would not affect his speed. So speed was not relevant to fun or not fun...the abilities are fun.

    I have noticed that many folks who believe that zergers are not having always puzzles me. I assume that zergers play that way because it gives them the most enjoyment to play that way.

  4. #24
    The Hatchery Cernunan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Torkzed View Post
    I'm not sure why you would assume that he is not having fun going fast. The way I read his comments, he was saying that he would have less fun without the abilities he would lose, but that it would not affect his speed. So speed was not relevant to fun or not fun...the abilities are fun.
    And that is the point I have been making.

    Turning the game into a generic MMO with cookie cutter abilities, with no exciting special abilities, just x + x number crunching takes away everything that is special about THIS game. That's the reason I have played, and invested absurd amounts of money, into THIS game.

    The proposed changes make THIS not THAT game anymore
    Last edited by Cernunan; 06-18-2021 at 11:07 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by nobodynobody1426 View Post
    If you look across all the changes it's basically a giant nerf to all the stuff we used to use while trying to force folks into theme based playstyles.
    Quote Originally Posted by PermaBanned View Post
    Profit quantity has been prioritized above product quality. (Note: this quote was from 2013, things never change)

  5. #25
    Community Member False_Gods's Avatar
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    30-6 (with level cap)

    It shouldn't really be assumed that people want to hang around and do nothing at lvl 30. Considering all there really is is reaper xp farming which has been specifically stated is not aimed at the regular players and is really just kind of thrown in for those who want it.

    If thats the case there should be significant time aimed at the general players to enjoy and experience the tier 5 abilities (lvl 28-30)
    Last edited by False_Gods; 06-20-2021 at 04:17 AM.
    Tales of terror abound in coastal cities of a powerful cabal of sea-faring pirates led by a trio of mages who have coined themselves 'The False Gods'.

  6. #26
    Community Member False_Gods's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Torkzed View Post
    I'm not sure why you would assume that he is not having fun going fast. The way I read his comments, he was saying that he would have less fun without the abilities he would lose, but that it would not affect his speed. So speed was not relevant to fun or not fun...the abilities are fun.

    I have noticed that many folks who believe that zergers are not having always puzzles me. I assume that zergers play that way because it gives them the most enjoyment to play that way.
    I think everyone can understand that certain players enjoy getting as much done as quickly as possible. The problem is when they get carried away to the point that they start assuming everyone else shares that sentiment.

    Yesterday a group leader said "its dumb" to do any more than R1 in heroics. "There's no point" . This after I suggested increasing the skulls to the point where at least everyone was participating and it wasn't one person in front soloing the whole thing (person happened to be me soloing in front since I was on an especially powerful class.. but I would much rather have everyone included and taking part)

    Making it clear that you want to go fast, you hate your current life etc and you don't even really want to play the game in so much as just get through your current life as soon as possible isn't enough. You also have to be considerate of others and not invalidate people (consciously or unconsciously) who are actually trying to create a quality group/team experience.

    people being free to leave your group or form their own group isnt the problem. The problem is stepping on other people's feet and projecting negativity on those who are trying to have a quality experience. If you say doing anything more than R1 in heroics is "Dumb", that pretty much illustrates exactly what I'm saying.

    You may not have intended it, but by projecting that kind of energy into the community you are 'befouling' the water and damaging the game's population.
    Last edited by False_Gods; 06-19-2021 at 01:01 AM.
    Tales of terror abound in coastal cities of a powerful cabal of sea-faring pirates led by a trio of mages who have coined themselves 'The False Gods'.

  7. #27
    Community Member xBunny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stravix View Post
    Look, no one is forcing you to play if you don't like the game.
    Well, guy actually like this game. It is the upcoming changes, that he seems not to like. Same as me. Telling people that do not like changes to leave, instead of taking into account this feedback, my end up for the game to be a dead one.
    Actively playing on Cannith since 2018
    30+ PLs, 71 Reaper Points

  8. #28
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    Put me down as not being happy with level gating. I don’t spend much time at 30 so t5 at 30 is useless to me. Even with increasing max level T5 should be unlocked MUCH earlier. Even a “compromise” to 29 would be bad IMO.

  9. #29
    Kinch's Korner gringofoot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikarddo View Post
    In heroics the xp for levels 1-11 is less than 1/3 of the heroics xp. So, T5 heroic abilities are used roughly 2/3 of the heroic levels AND into the epic levels.

    Epic levels 21-24 xp is roughly 40% of the total epic xp.

    Tier 3 should be level 21
    Tier 4 level 23
    Tier 5 level 25

    T5 epic at level 25 is still worse than T5 heroic at level 12, but atleast we are getting close.
    Agree wholeheartedly.

    If we're stuck with level gating (which I hope that we are not) then at least make T5 at L25. Let people use the bloody things.

  10. #30
    Kinch's Korner gringofoot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cernunan View Post
    If the game 20 to 30+ is a slog and unfun grind with a terrible new gating and charge system that we used to have and was hated so much they removed it from the game, then the 20-30 levels will be too much of an unfun grind for most people.

    They are forcing a level cap raise, because they want to monetize the game levels 30+. The only way to do this is to reduce the current power level we have worked hard to earn, and make that power level now the new end game at lvl 30+, because they can't figure out how to stretch the current game past 30, except to nerf the current level, then sell it back to us at the new end game levels.

    Other MMO's have done things like this. That's why people stopped playing them.

    It's a really bad business practice that leaves a really bad taste in people's mouth
    Your analysis is shockingly plausible. 11 of 10 marks. Fully agree.

  11. #31
    Kinch's Korner gringofoot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frezar14 View Post
    Put me down as not being happy with level gating. I don’t spend much time at 30 so t5 at 30 is useless to me. Even with increasing max level T5 should be unlocked MUCH earlier. Even a “compromise” to 29 would be bad IMO.
    Yep. Fully agree.

  12. #32
    Community Member Seph1roth5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frezar14 View Post
    Put me down as not being happy with level gating. I don’t spend much time at 30 so t5 at 30 is useless to me. Even with increasing max level T5 should be unlocked MUCH earlier. Even a “compromise” to 29 would be bad IMO.
    Don't get me wrong, I'd love tier 5s at 25 lol. But it felt like the devs were pretty big on keeping them at 30, so I figure if they can be convinced to lower it to at least 29, better than a kick in the teeth.
    Mains - Messam, Indalecio, Mozenrath, Quackerjack.

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