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Hello folks! This is part of the Epic Overhaul. If you haven't read our Overview post and its companion info post, please do that first before reading this!
Stealth and subterfuge meld with the powers of Illusion and darkness to converge upon the Shadowdancer.
Core Abilities
- Retreat to the Shadows (level 20): You gain the Trapfinding feat if you did not have it already. Each core ability in this tree, including this one, grants +1 Epic bonus to all Spell DCs, +10 Melee Power, +6 Ranged Power, +5 Force Spellpower, and +5 Universal spell power.
- Step Through Shadow (level 23): Activate this ability to conjure a door of pure Shadow, which can take you and your party members to the entrance of the current dungeon. Cooldown: 2 minutes.
- The Darkest Luck (level 26): You gain the Evasion feat (normal Evasion rules apply). If you already have Evasion, you gain the Improved Evasion feat. If you already have Improved Evasion, you generate 25% less threat from all sources.
Tier 1 (requires level 20):
- Stealthy: +1/2/3 Reflex Saving Throws, +2/4/6 Hide and Move Silently. Rank 3: You gain the Hide in Plane Sight feat.
- Cover of Darkness: +10/20/30% less threat from all sources. Rank 3: You gain the benefits of the Nightshield spell.
- Shadowdancer Builders: Select an ability that builds charges. Multiselector
- Nightmare Lance: Arcane Builder: A lance of darkness extends from your fingers, impaling an enemy. They take 1d6+6 Force damage per Character level. The enemy must succeed on a (DC20 + highest of Int/Wis/Cha modifier + Illusion DC bonuses) will saving throw to avoid becoming blinded. On cast, this builds an Arcane Charge. Cooldown: 30/20/10 seconds. Activation Cost: 10 Spell Points.
- Shrouding Shot: Martial Builder: Ranged Attack: +1/2/3W, you gain 1 Martial Charge. On a failed fortitude save (DC20 + Highest Ability Modifier + Assassinate bonus) the target is Blinded for 12 seconds. Cooldown: 12 Seconds.
- Shrouding Strike: Martial Builder: Melee Attack: +1/2/3W, you gain 1 Martial Charge. On a failed fortitude save (DC20 + Highest Ability Modifier + Assassinate bonus) the target is Blinded for 12 seconds. Cooldown: 12 Seconds.
- Assassinate: +2/4/6 Assassinate DCs. Rank 3: On Sneak Attack: 10% chance to gain 1 Martial Charge.
- Technician: +2/4/6 to Search, Spot, Disable Device, and Open Lock. Rank 3: If you have the Nimble Fingers feat, you gain +1 Sneak Attack Dice.
Tier 2 (requires level 20):
- Long Shadows: Each Martial Charge now grants +1 Sneak Attack Dice. You no longer automatically fail Reflex saving throws when you roll a natural 1.
- Sleight of Hand: +3/6/10% Offhand Strike Chance, +2/4/6 Bluff.
- Shadowform: Shadowdancer Destiny Mantle. +10/20/30% Enhancement bonus to Movement Speed, and can Sneak +20/35/50% faster (this will not stack with other enhancements that grant a permanent bonus to movement speed while sneaking). Your attacks gain Ghost Touch, and may bypass the Incorporeality of monsters.
- Meld into Darkness: Martial Spender: You gain 10% uncapped Dodge per Martial Charge for 10/15/20 seconds. Cooldown: 15 seconds.
- Lithe: +2/4/6 Reflex Saving Throws, Armor Class, and Light Armor Max Dex Bonus. +3/6/10 Force and Universal Spellpower.
Tier 3 (requires level 23):
- Depths of Darkness: Your Shadowdancer Destiny Mantle grants +1/2/3 Sneak Attack Dice and +1/2/3 Spell Penetration.
- Crippled with Shadows: You gain the Crippling Strike feat. If you already have this feat, it will deal Constitution Damage on each hit instead of Strength. +1 Martial Charge cap
- Grim Precision: You bypass 5/10/15% enemy fortification and 1/2/3% enemy dodge.
- Shadowdancer Spell Focus: Select a Spell School to Specialize in. Multiselector:
- Illusion: +1/2/3 Illusion Spell DCs.
- Necromancy: +1/2/3 Necromancy Spell DCs.
- Abjuration: +1/2/3 Abjuration DCs.
- Enchantment: +1/2/3 Enchantment Spell DCs.
- Whispers: Create an Illusory Shadow that acts as a Noisemaker trap. Cooldown: 60/50/40 Seconds.
Tier 4 (requires level 26):
- Pierce the Gloom: +1/2/3 to hit, to-hit for Sneak attacks, and to-hit while Flanking. Rank 3: You gain Immunity to Silence, Quell, and Blindness.
- Dark Armor: +2/4/6 Physical and Magical Resistance Rating, +3 Force and Universal Spellpower.
- Dark Mercy: Your Shadowdancer Destiny Mantle now grants +5/10/15% damage versus the Helpless.
- The Drop: The First Blood feat now deals double its base damage, applies on harmful spellcasts, and its damage now scales with 100% of your Force Spellpower. Whenever you cast an Illusion spell, gain 1 Arcane Charge.
- Linger in the Dark: Tumbling while in Stealth now grants you a Martial Charge, +2 Sneak Attack Dice, +5 to hit and damage with Sneak Attacks, +5 Hide and Move Silently, and the ability to sneak with full movement speed for 20 seconds. This may only trigger once every 1 minute.
Tier 5 (requires level 30):
- Improved Shadowform: Adds to your Shadowdancer Destiny Mantle: Cloak yourself in magic and assume the form of an illusory Shadow. This form grants you 25% Incorporeality, +20 Hide and Move Silently, allows you to cast with a reduced movement speed penalty, and allows you to float as if you had Feather Fall. Also, when you roll a natural 20 on a melee or ranged attack, you envelop the target in shadow, removing its immunity to Sneak Attack for a short duration. You do not need to be in Shadowform for this to happen.
- Just a Taste: You have +1 Critical Multiplier on a roll of 19-20 with Bows, Thrown Weapons, Crossbows, and Finessable melee weapons.
- Weird: The Weird spell is added to your Spellbook as a level 9 spell if you are a Cleric, Sorcerer, Druid, Wizard, or Favored Soul or a level 6 spell if you are an Artificer, Alchemist, Bard, or Warlock. Requires the ability to cast spells of those levels. Weird: A targeted foe and all nearby enemies are subject to a Phantasmal Killer effect, with a DC20 + highest of INT/WIS/CHA modifier + Illusion spell bonuses to prevent the death.
- Greater Shadowdancer Spell Focus: +1/2/3 to all Spell DCs
- Shadow Mastery: +1/2/3% dodge, +1/2/3 Assassinate DC, +2/4/6 Reflex Saving Throws. Rank 3: +1% Dodge Cap