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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kielbasa View Post
    If I had my way I'd make dire charge a level 21 feat. It puts melee on a similar power curve to casters for trash mobs that are stunable. Most caster classes can run into a room AoE stun/CC AoE nuke the pack and move on there merry way by mid heroics at the latest. Most melee don't have the ability to do that until level 29. There is a reason a lot of people do their racials on a sorc or similar caster class.
    Same power curve doesn´t mean that everyone has to be able to do the same. Casters use spellpoints to CC/AoE nuke a room, and casters cannot DPS monsters with melee, don´t have avoidance and damage mitigation a melee has, nor the hitpoints. I have played fighter and barbarian and go through quests in a different way and tactics than a caster. And you want everyone to CC and nuke a room because that´s putting them in a similar power curve? I don´t see it

    - Khorne

  2. #42
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    --- Recommendations ---

    Momentum Attack and Terror Strike have what looks like animation delays. Given that Momentum strike is the martial builder ability of this destiny it can't afford to be handicapped like this.

    Similar to Adrenaline fury of the wild, there should be abilities at Tier 3, and Tier 4 that make momentum swing stronger. I'd also take Terror Strike and change it from an attack of its own to a power boost for momentum swing. Momentum swing should be Dreadnought's alternative to Adrenaline. Don't be stingy.

    It occurs to me that because Adrenaline stacks enhances other special attacks It prevents special attacks in other epic destinies from being "too good" as one could simply spend 4 Epic points get Adrenaline and make it 100% better. But you could get around this in a few ways. You can always increase the critical threat range. The other option would be add it as non-physical damage such as bane damage. But the added damage would need to be substantial enough that it isn't neglible. Or you could just increase the rate of which it adds "terror"

    Dread isn't working. It does 1 point of damage per tick. Hard to evaluate if it is worth anything. Once it is working it is effectively Divine Crusaders Aura of Purification transplanted. It would be nice if was allowed to stack up to 25 like Crusader's did. It would even be nicer if we got some visual clue if an enemy has been effected like Aura of Purification gave. Also Aura of Purification never worked like is was supposed to against bosses. Fixing that would help a lot.

    Some abilities like Dark Armor, Legendary Tactics need to be boosted in power. There shouldn't be Tier 5 abilities that are just slightly stronger than Tier 1 abilities.

  3. #43
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    Default momentum swing is not an AOE for monks

    I added moment swing because it is supposed to be an AOE attack. While using the ability, my monk just does a backflip kick which only hits 1 mob vs. an AOE attack as stated.

    Has this been discovered yet? Just checking to see if this will be made into a different animation that provides AOE for monks.


  4. #44
    Community Member count_spicoli's Avatar
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    Wow you slapped the snot out of this tree. No masters blitz no co9ldown reduction tactic boosts tier 5 instead of tier one. This awful. Back to drawing board pls
    Khyber IN BAD COMPANY Longand Drunkmage Sexyheals Fullforce

  5. #45
    Community Member Cetus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by count_spicoli View Post
    Wow you slapped the snot out of this tree. No masters blitz no co9ldown reduction tactic boosts tier 5 instead of tier one. This awful. Back to drawing board pls
    They need to change the board and the markers too.

  6. #46
    Community Member LeoLionxxx's Avatar
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    > The Terror debuff is: Terror: -1 melee and ranged power, -3 Spell Power, -1 AC. stacks up to 15 times.

    If multiple players are applying Terror, do they stack per player? If not, it would be nice if adding additional stacks of terror to a target did something useful. That way, it's useful to keep applying stacks during boss fights, and multiple players in LD are all contributing.

    Example: When a target is already at 15 stacks of terror, terror being inflicted on them inflicts 1D6 Bane Dmg; perhaps the T4 "Dread" adds this as a feature and uses that same damage.

    > T3 - Sow Discord: While in your Dread Mantle, activating an Action Boost adds 1 stack of Terror and the Shaken effect to all enemies in range of your Mantle. +1 Martial Charge cap.

    This ability isn't particularly useful for Ranged, since they typically don't want to be near enough to the enemies to this to happen.

    What if Sow Discord was an Adrenalin-like effect making it so that when target is next hit with your attack, all enemies within the radius of your target take the terror stacks? That would make "Sowing Terror" feel even more like something you actively do.

    > T3 - Wrath: Activating a Tactical Feat has a 10/20/30% chance to grant you +1 Martial Charge.

    Activating a feat and hitting something with it, right? Players can't just spam tactics in the air to enter a fight with max Charges, right?

    > T5 - Overpower: Select a boost to Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing weapons.

    IMO, weapon arc-type-specific enhancements should be phased out. They discourage diversity in weapon use; why swap to a WarHammer to fight this skeleton when I might (or might not?) be doing more dmg with my Longsword due to Slashing enhancements.

    I'll echo concerns about the lack of Action Boosts in the tree. Perhaps the first or 2nd core should grant one of the player's choice, OR a new, unique, flashy one for this tree (ideas allude me, though it could show a flash of Death knight armour).
    That's not lag, it's just DDO trying to become turn-based again.
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  7. #47
    Hatchery Founder Ganak's Avatar
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    I'd like to see some kind of healing expend an action boost for a heal spell.

    I see builds (and play one--20 Ftr) where the single biggest obstacle to being able to play the game is the lack of any self healing, even minor.
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  8. #48
    The Hatchery CaptainSpacePony's Avatar
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    Why does overpower require a damage flag? Why not just make it elasticity and be done?
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  9. #49
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    --- continued Testing ---

    Dread continues to inflict 1 point of damage per tick but I can see the terror stacking in the monster description

    Momentum Swing and terror Strike both have delays in it. In human form this can be seen as the the character lifts up his weapon for a down swing. In wolf form the wolf just stands there for a moment. the length of the delay varies probably dependent on where in the attack chain you were when you activated the special attack.

    Lay Waste I found has an odder delay. The attack goes off fast. and I go into my next attack. But the damage from the lay waste is delayed and is very close to the next attack. I think I can even beat it. Lay waste followed by a normal attack and the monster takes damage from the normal attack first and then from the lay waste attack.

    Momentum Swing is a single target melee attack. Lay Waste and Terror Strike are both AOE melee attacks.

  10. #50
    Community Member dennisck2's Avatar
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    Default Or...

    Wait for it..... How about we just leave them the way they are? I swear, it's like you don't want people to come back. None of this stuff needs to be level gated. And if you're going to change something, at least try and make it better, not worse. The only good thing about the OP were the lack of spelling errors. Pretty much everything else typed out (compared to the way destinies are now) is hot garbage.

    And I wanted to come back. I really did.
    Proud guild gimp of Synergia! Adults only. Bring beer. Pants optional.

  11. #51
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    I was playing the Shadar-Kai and using Legendary Dreadnaught Tree on test server. .. When using Shadow Jaunt , Shadow Phase it puts Dire charge ( normally 12 second cooldown) onto a much longer timer of 1 minute .. When i was looking up shadow jaunt , I seen there was an old 2018 thread about this, but it was never addressed.

    Shadow Jaunt or shadow phase should not be making dire charge a 1 minute cooldown.. Please fix this.
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  12. #52
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    You are ostensibly getting those from your Heroic trees. No, not every build has access to every kind of Boost they want, and that's fine.
    The entire premise falls apart with trees like Frenzied Berserker, Henshin Mystic, Mechanic, Shintao, and Warchanter. They either don't have a boost, or their action boosts are meant for out of combat activity.
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

  13. #53
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    This is another case where the low tier abilities should be increased in value. (Looking at you Legendary Tactics, which is currently 2/4/6)

    Losing the ability to be constantly under boost (the 33% reduction in the current version) really strips what feels like a vital part of what this tree has traditionally been about...heavy and constant boost management for a large reward. (It always felt like driving a car with a manual transmission)

    Special attacks should use the highest of any stat in order to accommodate falconry, feydark, and other alternate stat hit/damage variants.
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  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobril View Post
    This is another case where the low tier abilities should be increased in value. (Looking at you Legendary Tactics, which is currently 2/4/6)

    Losing the ability to be constantly under boost (the 33% reduction in the current version) really strips what feels like a vital part of what this tree has traditionally been about...heavy and constant boost management for a large reward. (It always felt like driving a car with a manual transmission)

    Special attacks should use the highest of any stat in order to accommodate falconry, feydark, and other alternate stat hit/damage variants.
    Monks are no longer allowed to have dire charge; nor are charisma bards or paladins. In general a lot of the reliable CC in old epic destinies has been reduced, removed, or narrowed in focus.

  15. #55
    Community Member Jerevth's Avatar
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    More java, better reading skills...

    I still think you tanked tanks, though.
    Last edited by Jerevth; 06-17-2021 at 11:09 AM.
    In all posts: Assume I'm just providing a personal opinion rather than trying to speak for everyone.
    *All posts should be taken as humorously intended and if you are struggling to decide if I insulted you; I didn't.

  16. #56
    Community Member A-O's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    You are ostensibly getting those from your Heroic trees. No, not every build has access to every kind of Boost they want, and that's fine.
    Have you considered that haste boost is the only boost that's good, and how this will affect that for build choices? Before anyone could twist haste boost and be fine. But now you're gonna "force" people to splash fighter/rogue etc to get haste boost from a class AP.
    Perhaps buff up damage boost again so it's actually good, and the other boosts along with it. Remember in the olden days when damage boost gave +5 dmg? Yea it was useless then for a decade almost. Then you buffed it to +30% damage done. It was really good (still worse than haste boost at that point).

    Then you made MOTU and melee power. It giving +30 was fineish when MP was like 100ish at most. Now we're running 200-400 MP with ease. @ 300 MP it only gives +7.5% effective damage. Since there already are loads of ways to get +x% weapon damage, can you just change it to that? Or perhaps +30% MP instead of +30 MP (but that doesn't work in heroics).

    To hit boost could also become the old SD thing where you don't miss on 1s anymore at rank 3. Perhaps also change it to +X% to hit (5-10-15%) instead of flat attack boost. Doublestrike boost is okay....ish. Perhaps let it break doublestrike cap of 100% when used? Could make some interesting build options with that. Or if that's too hard to fix in the code, make it give +1% dmg for every 1% DS over 100%. Basically, something to make any other boost except haste boost good.
    Last edited by A-O; 06-17-2021 at 01:46 PM.
    Formerly known as Absolute-Omniscience, co-creator of the old DPS calc.

  17. #57
    Community Member M.ham's Avatar
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    Unhappy My Henshin Monk is sad...

    Quote Originally Posted by Cocomajobo View Post
    [*]Dire Charge: Charge forward at the targeted foe. That foe and all nearby foes are subject to +2(W) damage and have a chance to be stunned. Stun DC is (20 + highest of your STR/DEX/CON Modifier + bonus to stun attacks). 12 second cooldown. (Yes, this means it will no longer be a standard Epic Feat).
    Removing Dire Charge as a Feat and moving it into the tree is one thing, also removing the ability for anyone running in Falconry who use Wisdom as their main stat is something else. My Henshin Monk is sad...

    If you want to encourage build diversity please restore Dire Charge to using the highest of any stat.


  18. #58
    Community Member Monkey_Archer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by A-O View Post
    Have you considered that haste boost is the only boost that's good, and how this will affect that for build choices? Before anyone could twist haste boost and be fine. But now you're gonna "force" people to splash fighter/rogue etc to get haste boost from a class AP.
    Exactly. If the idea is to try to balance classes like barb/pali around NOT having haste boost, then these classes will either take it from vistani, or splash fighter, or not be played at all. +30% damage is non-negotiable.

    Changing damage boost from melee power to x% melee weapon damage is a no brainer. How this interacts with ranged gets more complicated obviously, but with shiradi being changed now is probably the best time to work that out.

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cetus View Post
    They need to change the board and the markers too.
    Or they could had just left everything alone, and worked on current bugs, lag, party chat, filigrees not working right etc... Fix the game, then add the new broken stuff.
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  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by A-O View Post
    Have you considered that haste boost is the only boost that's good, and how this will affect that for build choices? Before anyone could twist haste boost and be fine. But now you're gonna "force" people to splash fighter/rogue etc to get haste boost from a class AP.
    Perhaps buff up damage boost again so it's actually good, and the other boosts along with it. Remember in the olden days when damage boost gave +5 dmg? Yea it was useless then for a decade almost. Then you buffed it to +30% damage done. It was really good (still worse than haste boost at that point).

    Then you made MOTU and melee power. It giving +30 was fineish when MP was like 100ish at most. Now we're running 200-400 MP with ease. @ 300 MP it only gives +7.5% effective damage. Since there already are loads of ways to get +x% weapon damage, can you just change it to that? Or perhaps +30% MP instead of +30 MP (but that doesn't work in heroics).

    To hit boost could also become the old SD thing where you don't miss on 1s anymore at rank 3. Perhaps also change it to +X% to hit (5-10-15%) instead of flat attack boost. Doublestrike boost is okay....ish. Perhaps let it break doublestrike cap of 100% when used? Could make some interesting build options with that. Or if that's too hard to fix in the code, make it give +1% dmg for every 1% DS over 100%. Basically, something to make any other boost except haste boost good.
    Giving the middle finger to the players wouldn't be as bad if the other Action Boosts were worth a **** past the end of heroics, but as it stands Haste Boost is the only one that scales into Epic levels while the rest just rot away. But wait, the solution is ... wait for it ... so amazing .. +3 to stats. ZOMG so awesome right....

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