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  1. #21
    The Hatchery
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    This is only the second tree I've looked at, and I'm already hating all the "when you shrine..." stuff. That's great, but shrining is often skipped unless you really, really need to, because of the time wasted rebuffing. Not to mention not being able to benefit from those buffs for the first half of the quest or more, and most raids.
    "Ignorance killed the cat, sir; curiosity was framed."
    Tripoint, C.J. Cherryh

  2. #22
    Community Member sjbb87's Avatar
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    Cant find Balanced Attacks, is removed?

  3. #23
    Community Member Seph1roth5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Torc View Post
    Yes some of the text descriptions aren't update to date. All Primal Allies will work the same in regard to spell power and casting stat.

    Follow up question, can you specify what exactly the summons get from us? It's getting our spell power and stat...anything else? Also, is it taking gear, buffs, boosts, enhancements into account? Or is it just what we have ungeared?
    Mains - Messam, Indalecio, Mozenrath, Quackerjack.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cocomajobo View Post
    Everything seen on the preview server, Lamannia, is not final and is subject to change or removal before live release.

    Hello folks! This is part of the Epic Overhaul. If you haven't read our Overview post and its companion info post, please do that first before reading this!

    The Primal Avatar tree has been rebuilt to now focused just on spell casting. Some of it's original melee elements were moving into fury of the wild to keep the tree more focused. The desire is this tree will be an interesting possibility for most if not all casters, while still having a few druid specific perks because of it's theme.

    Core Abilities:

    1. This is your Nature (Level 20): Select either Heart, Sky or Thorn. The rest of this tree's options will be determined by this choice. Multiselector:
      • Heart: You follow the path of the Heart. Each Core Ability in this tree, including this one, grants the following: +5 Fire, Light, Positive and Universal Spell Power, +50 Maximum Spellpoints, +1 Epic bonus to all DCs.
      • Sky: You follow the path of the Sky. Each Core Ability in this tree, including this one, grants the following: +5 Electric, Cold, Sonic and Universal Spell Power, +50 Maximum Spellpoints, +1 Epic bonus to all DCs.
      • Thorn: You follow the path of the Thorn. Each Core Ability in this tree, including this one, grants the following: +5 Acid, Force, Poison and Universal Spell Power, +50 Maximum Spellpoints, +1 Epic bonus to all DCs.
    2. Now Grow: (Level 23): Choose another aspect of nature to gain a minor affinity for. You cannot choose what you took in the first core again. This does NOT confer eligibility to abilities later in the tree. Multiselector:
      • Heart: You gain a minor affinity for Heart. You gain the following for each Core Ability you take in this tree, including this one: +3 Fire, Light, and Positive Spell Power.
      • Sky: You gain a minor affinity for Sky. You gain the following for each Core Ability you take in this tree, including this one: +3 Electric, Cold, and Sonic Spell Power.
      • Thorn: You gain a minor affinity for Thorn. You gain the following for each Core Ability you take in this tree, including this one: +3 Acid, Force, and Poison Spell Power.
    3. Weathering the Elements (Level 26): Gain 15% absorption against Fire/Cold/Acid/Electric/Poison damage. Whenever you cast any protection from element spell it grants you 25 points per level instead of 12 with no level cap.

    Tier 1 (requires level 20):

    • Seeking Balance: +1/2/3 Reflex Saving Throws, +2/4/6 Tumble and Balance. Rank 3: If you are using a Quarterstaff, you gain +1 Damage and +5 Universal Spell Power.
    • Well Weathered: +1/2/3 to Physical and Magical Resistance Rating.
    • Primal Avatar Builder: Gain a Spell that builds Primal Charges based on your nature. Multiselector:
      • (requires Nature of Heart) Spring to Summer: Primal Builder: A burst of butterflies forms around the caster in a small radius applying a copy of rejuvenation cocoon to all allies. After several seconds the butterflies burst into flame causing 2d6 fire damage per character level to all nearby enemies, with a reflex save for half damage (DC: 20 + Evocation Bonuses + Highest Mental Ability Score Modifier). For each enemy struck, gain one Primal Charge up to two. Activation Cost: 20 Spell Points. Cooldown: 12 Seconds.
      • (requires Nature of Sky) Storm Catcher: Primal Builder : Target enemy becomes chilled to the bone for 8 seconds, which slows them and cuases them to take 1d6 per 2 character levels in Cold damage every two seconds, with no save. As the effect ends the target will also be struck by a lightning bolt for 1d6+6 electric damage per caster level, with a Fortitude save for half damage, for the duration of the effect. You gain one Primal Charge. Activation Cost: 20 Spell Points. Cooldown: 8 Seconds.
      • (requires Nature of Thorn) Carrion Swarm: Primal Builder: Target enemy becomes covered with biting acidic and poisonous insects. Every 2 seconds they take 1d6+1 acid and 1d6+1 poison damage per 2 character levels for 8 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times. Each stack also causes a -4 penalty to attack rolls and Armor class. You gain a Primal Charge. Cooldown: 6 Seconds. Activation Cost: 20 Spell Points.
    • Nature's Friend: When you sit to rest at a rest shrine your selected friend of nature visits you briefly and offers comfort. You and nearby party members are granted a buff that lasts until the end of your current quest.
      • Bat of Echoes: +10 Sonic Spell Power, +15 Sonic Absorption, +3 Listen
      • Bird of Wind: +10 Electric Spell Power, +1% Dodge, +3 Spot
      • Fox of Flame: +10 Fire Spell Power, +2 Damage with Sneak Attacks, +3 Move Silently
      • Frog of the Lake: +10 Cold Spell Power, +2 Magical Resistance Rating, +3 Jump
      • Spider of the Deeps: +10 Poison and Acid Spell Power, 15% Poison Absorption
      • Squirrel of Luck: +1 to Attack, Damage, and all Saving Throws
    • Rejuvenation Cocoon: Protects target with a shield of 35/75/150 Temporary Hit Points for 9 seconds. Heals 5d6 HP every 2 seconds while the shield persists.

    Tier 2 (requires level 20):

    • Thrive: Each Primal Charge you have now grant you 2% Spell Cost Reduction.
    • Natural Shielding: You gain 10 Maximum Hit Points, +2 Magical Resistance Rating. Your summons, pets, and hirelings gain 60% bonus to Maximum Hit Points, +3 Magical Resistance Rating, +4 Reflex Saving Throws, and gain the Evasion feat.
    • Mantle of Nature: Primal Avatar Destiny Mantle: Multiselector:
      • (Heart) Your Healing spells have a chance to apply a copy of Rejuvination Cocoon to your target. Your Fire, Light, and Alignment spells have a chance to apply a blast of that damage type for an extra 1d3 per character level. All effects scale with 100% Spell Power. Each effect can only occur once every 5 seconds, tracked separately. Gain a Primal Charge whenever either of these effects occur.
      • (Sky) Your Cold, Electric, and Sonic spells have a chance to blast one target for an additional 1d3 damage per character level of the same type as the spell used. Each element can only occur once every 5 seconds, tracked separately. Gain a Primal Charge whenever this occurs.
      • (Thorn) Your Acid, Poison, and Force spells have a chance to blast one target for an additional 1d3 damage per character level of the same type as the spell used. Each element can only occur once every 5 seconds, tracked separately. Gain a Primal Charge whenever this occurs.
    • Primal Avatar - Spender: Gain a Spell that expends Primal Charges based on your nature. Multiselector:
      • (Heart) Reborn in Fire Primal Spender: A swirl of fire surrounds you dealing 1d6 fire damage per character level to enemies and healing allies for 1d3 per character level. This consumes all Primal Charges, and both the damage and healing are increased by 25% per Primal Charge. If 3 or more Primal Charges are consumed, the bonus damage and healing are doubled and you gain Dancing Flame for 6 seconds. Dancing Flame: +35% Uncapped Dodge. Cooldown: 5 Seconds. Activation Cost: 20 Spell Points.
      • (Sky) Thunder Snow: Primal Spender: Sends forth a wide wave of freezing hail before you with a narrow blast of lightning at its center directly in front of the caster. The hail deals 1d6 cold damage per character level, Fortitude save for half (DC: 20 + Evocation Bonuses + Highest Mental Ability Score Modifier). The bolt of lightning strikes for 1d6 per character level. Reflex save for half. This consumes all Primal Charges, and damage of both the hail and lightning are increased by 25% per Primal Charge. If 3 or more Primal Charges are consumed, enemies caught within are slowed by 70%. Cooldown: 20 Seconds. Activation Cost: 20 Spell Points.
      • (Thorn) Shard Storm: Summons a cloud of acidic poisonous shards that randomly strikes enemies within 15 meters. 6 strikes over 6 seconds. Each shard deals 1d3 poison and acid damage per character level. This consumes all Primal Charges, and the damage of each shard is increased by 25% per Primal Charge. If 3 or more Primal Charges are consumed, the bonus damage is doubled, and you gain Shard Deflection for 12 seconds. Shard Deflection: You gain 30% of your Maximum Hit Points as Temporary Hit Points. Cooldown: 5 Seconds. Activation Cost: 20 Seconds.
    • Spirit Boon: Multiselector:
      • +1/2/2 Primal bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. Rank 3: Your Primal Charge Cap is increased by 1.
      • +1/2/2 Primal bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. Rank 3: Your Primal Charge Cap is increased by 1.

    Tier 3 (requires level 23):

    • Improved Form: While in any Elemental Form, you gain +3/6/10 Universal Spell Power. While in any Wild Shape, you gain +2/4/6 Magical Resistance Rating.
    • Spirit Heart: +2/4/6 Healing Amplification. Your Healing spells have a 5/10/15% chance to grant a Divine Charge while you are in combat.
    • Magic of the Old World: Select a Spell School to Specialize in. Multiselector:
      • Evocation: +1/2/3 Evocation Spell DCs.
      • Conjuration: +1/2/3 Conjuration Spell DCs.
      • Transmutation: +1/2/3 Transmutation DCs.
    • Nature's Blessing: When you rest the spirit of nature manifests as a Unicorn and provides with nature's blessing to you and nearby party members. Nature's Blessing: +5% Insight bonus to Maximum Hitpoints. This effect lasts until you leave the dungeon.
    • Flowers in the Thorns: Stepping inside a Spike Growth or Entangle spell, either hostile or friendly, heals you for 1d3 hit points every 5 seconds per character level of the spell's owner.

    Tier 4 (requires level 26):

    • Natural Evasion: Gain the Evasion Feat. Exclusive from other enhancements that grant this feat.
    • Shared Mantle: Your summons now also benefit from your Mantle of Nature. When the mantle triggers for them they have a chance to give their summoner a Primal Charge. This still uses your spell power or melee/ranged power to scale.
    • Primal Intensity: Multiselector:
      • Heart: +5/10/15 Fire, Light, and Positive Spell Power
      • Sky: +5/10/15 Cold, Electric, and Sonic Spell Power
      • Thorn: +5/10/15 Acid, Poison, and Force Spell Power
    • Epic Improved Metamagics: Select a Meta Magic to improve. Multiselector:
      • Epic Improved Empower III: Reduces the cost of the Empower Metamagic by 2/4/6 spell points.
      • Epic Improved Maximize III: Reduces the cost of the Maximize Metamagic by 3/6/9 spell points.
      • Epic Improved Quicken III: Reduces the cost of the Quicken Metamagic by 1/2/4 spell points.
    • Epic Improved Metamagics: Select a Meta Magic to improve. Multiselector:
      • Epic Improved Empower III: Reduces the cost of the Empower Metamagic by 2/4/6 spell points.
      • Epic Improved Maximize III: Reduces the cost of the Maximize Metamagic by 3/6/9 spell points.
      • Epic Improved Quicken III: Reduces the cost of the Quicken Metamagic by 1/2/4 spell points.

    Tier 5 (requires level 30):

    • Primal Ally: Multi Selector: Gain the ability to summon an elemental ally based on your nature.
      • (Heart) Heart Flame Dryad: Creates an elder dryad that casts fire, light, and healing spells. She remains rooted to her summoning point. Duration: 15 Seconds. Cooldown: 15 Seconds. Activation Cost: 50 Spell Points.
      • (Sky) Storm Guard : Creates a greater storm spirit to blast your foes with lightning, cold, and sound using your casting stats.. Remains bound to their summoning spot. Duration: 15 Seconds. Cooldown: 15 Seconds. Activation Cost: 50 Spell Points.
      • (Thorn) Briar Patch: Summoned a greater thorn spirit to blast your foes with Acid, Poison, and Force using your casting stats. Remains bound to their summoning spot. Duration: 15 Seconds. Cooldown: 15 Seconds. Activation Cost: 50 Spell Points.
    • Ancient Wisdom: +1/2/3 to all Spell DCs.
    • Mass Frog: Up to six nearby enemies are turned into frogs. Each may avoid ribbiting on a successful Fortitude saving throw vs. DC (20+ Highest of Wisdom/Intelligence/Charisma modifier + Transmutation bonuses). Cooldown: 1 Minute. Activation Cost: 60 Spell Points. (this is a copy of the destiny feat which is being removed from the epic feat list)
    • Primal Channel: Gain an enhancement spell cost reduction of 10% to all spells.
    • Epic Improved Intensify Spell: Reduces the cost of the Intensify Spell Metamagic by 2/4/6 Spell Points.

    Interesting, I like the flavor.

    Two concerns:
    - I'm not so sure about the numbers on some of these. E.g. the spenders do 7dmg/character level, while every class has spamable spells now that do 10dmg+/level. Big hitters like Meteor do ~20dmg. I realize that it's character level, but I assume caster level bonuses do not work with these either?
    - Is it wise to tie healing entirely to fire? An arcane (sorc/warlock/wiz) with fire spec looks set to get much more power out of this tree than other arcanes, both the T1 (I assume it will hit self) and the T5 (unless the other summons are much more powerful).

    A request: I think something like the epic PnP feat Elemental Substitution should be easily available in one these trees. That would solve a lot of issues with balancing around immunities, while still having to learn mob resistances.
    Last edited by LurkingVeteran; 06-16-2021 at 04:01 AM.

  5. #25
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    Tested this using my sorc.

    Firstly, absurd respec cost. 1mil plat+ to reset a tree with 40+ points. Due to level gating, I'm expecting something like forced respec a la Reaper pts when switching from levelling to cap.

    Onto the tree itself

    The negatives:

    1. Primal Ally is what you'd expect of any summon currently in the game. Mediocre damage (don't expect it to kill anything on EE), dies fast but not as fast as those summon spells. Can act as an aggro target which I guess would be the main reason to cast it, but it's slow to cast like other summons. (edit: I didn't take any summon buffing things)

    2. Core 2 has got to be the worst out of all the EDs. You are forced to get secondary (or teritiary depending on how you see it) spell powers which may have 0 use to you. For example if you take Sky in Core 1 (Electric Cold Sonic), you have to take something like Heart (Fire Light Positive) in Core 2. Quick glance at other EDs you get useful abilities in addition to the "each core bonus from Core 1". For example, Shiradi gives Spell Pen in Core 2 and Shadow Dancer gives Dimension Door in Core 2.

    3. [sla known bug or just weak?] Storm Catcher Spender (Sky) does very mediocre single target damage and has a long cast time (think Thunderstroke). I'm better off casting regular abilities instead of this. For example on EE, I can kill a pack of mobs with another spell instead of using the Spender, which the only reason I would cast is to simply gain a charge. The fact that it's a dot is another detractor given that mobs will typically die (from other things) way before it does its full damage.

    4. [sla known bug or just weak?] Thunder Snow Spender (Sky) is another so so ability. Damage is better than the builder, as expected, but even fully stacked, is nothing compared to say Dragon's Breath on live. Maybe it's about the utility of the 70% slow but there are other ways to get slow.

    5. Resting mechanics. 2 enhancements give you a bonus after you rest which is cool in concept but annoying in reality. Now 5% insight to max hp is an excellent buff and the animal buff from tier one is nice to have. If you're like me, you try to avoid resting. It slows down the fast pace of the game and in groups, people tend to not wait for you. Raids that have no rest shrine also make these enhancements useless.

    6. Dual elements. The above builder and spenders do a combined cold and electric damage (as opposed to one for electric and one for cold) but regular Sorc enhancements which beeline you down a single element just isn't cohesive with this.

    The positive:
    1. Mass Frog isn't just Wisdom which is great

    2. Evasion

    3. Expensive but free Maximise when combined with regular enhancements (unless it's a bug)

    4. Of course, the DCs are nice change.

    5. The healing version of the Builder, passive and spender (Heart) looks really good but can't fully test.

    6. The buff from Shard Storm spender (Thorn) looks nice too.

    Potential bugs:
    1. Spring to Summer builder does no damage and thus generates no charges. It doesn't seem to apply cocoon to myself either. Tested solo.


    Overall some interesting changes but if numbers don't change, I see no reason to run Sky even if that matches your current element, I'd rather run Heart for the heals and spender 35% dodge buff or Thorn for the 30% temp hp buff. Of course neither of those buffs compare to present-day Meld, which I believe are designed to replace it.
    Last edited by zooble; 06-16-2021 at 08:01 AM.

  6. #26
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    2. Evasion
    Doesn't work with medium armor, which a caster druid would likely be wearing.

  7. #27
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    Default My thoughts on the new primal avatar epic destiny

    Cores look ok. For my fire druid I can take core 1 as fire and 2 as force and then 3 for 1 more dc. Seems ok.

    Tier 1 (requires level 20):
    • Seeking balance and well weathered seems ok.
    • Natures friend means I have to shrine to get the bonus and don’t have it in the beginning of the quest. Seems weird not to have it at start.
    • Primal Avatar Builder: Reju cocoon seems nice. Now I get that this is only tier one, but none of these spells are worth much. Forexample the fire part. The reju cocoon effect is really nice but 2d6 damage per character level is pretty low in epics. For a fire druid the spell fire seeds, which I get back too, and firestorm does a lot more damage. Heck even flamestrike does more damage (2d6+6). Now I know there is something with max caster levels and flamstrike would get to 21 in fire elemental form. And this new one is caster level 30 I guess. Flamestrike 273 base damage and if it is caster level 30 this new one does 210 base damage. If fire form increases it to caster level 36 we get 252, which is still a lot lower than flamestrike. Also this after some time it does damage. That has never been a good idea. Deal the damage straight away. You don’t wanna wait around for the mob to die you just wanna kill it.
      So now a epic destiny ability has been outperformed by a level 4 spell… Also a 12 seconds cooldown is way to much.

    Tier 2 (requires level 20):
    • Thrive seems ok.
    • Natural shielding: Well the way I see it this is the only bonus to defense of summonings in this tree. And the bonuses does not seem like a lot. See my talk about summonings below.
    • Mantle of Nature: Primal Avatar Destiny Mantle: I really like the idea of being able to buff the spells you already are using. I am wondering if it can only affect one monster or if it is an aoe spell you cast can trigger on all mobs? 5 second cooldown seems like a lot, but maybe instead of buffing this you could make it so you could take another in another tier which is one or more of: More damage, affects aoe, shorter cooldown. On second thought why have a cooldown at all? We already have cooldown on all spells. Also it is only a chance that it will occur. We don’t know the chance. In the current state it is useless but I like the idea behind it. Remove cooldown and make it sure to happen on all spells.
    • Primal Avatar – Spender: Again this does not deal enough damage to compete with firestorm, fireseeds and flamestrike. Even with 3 charges this does 2d6 damage per character level. Same argument as primal avatar builder. The healing is nice though.
    • Spirit Boon: great! Keep it.

    Tier 3 (requires level 23):
    • Improved forms seems just ok.
    • Spirit heart: Divine charge? Do you mean primal charge? And what does it mean when you have to be in combat?
    • Magic of the Old World: Nice! I like it a lot, but please add necromancy to the list.
    • Nature's Blessing: I like the idea of having 5% more hp but again why do I need to rest to have the effect. Change it so you start with it in a dungeon and also get it while you rest. Or make it a spell or sla.
    • Flowers in the Thorns: Not really sure about this. Haven’t noticed how often those to spells are cast. At epic levels they have very little use to cast them yourself.

    Tier 4 (requires level 26):
    • Natural Evasion: I guess this is ok, but a druid tends to wear heavy or medium armor.
    • Shared Mantle: This I like a lot! I really like something that can buff you summonings. But with the mantle being more or less useless in its current state it is not that good. So buff mantle and keep this.
    • Primal Intensity: this I guess is ok but it seems a bit low compared to the old epic destinies where you could get 30….
    • Epic Improved Metamagics: Not sure if these stack with the improved metamagics from seasons herald. If they do not then they are ok and if they stack it is great.

    Tier 5 (requires level 30):
    • Primal Ally: I like the idea of being able to summon a more powerful being, but I wonder if this summoning cancels any other summoning that you have. If it does it is not good. I like the idea of this using your casting stats a lot. However having to resummon this every 15 seconds might be annoying.
    • Ancient Wisdom: Really good!
    • Mass Frog: Ok
    • Primal Channel: I guess ok.
    • Epic Improved Intensify Spell: Nice!

    There are a lot of problems with summonings. First cannith crafting items not giving the added acid or peircing damage. Then the augments not working either. This takes away a lot of damage from the pet wolf.
    Also summonings don’t do enough damage. I like the idea with a summoning using your stats, and maybe that is the way to go. Make it so that it uses 20% of your stats for every feat or enhancement or something.
    Even a full specced summoner have no use for summonings or pets on reaper 1 on level 30. This seems off. If you invest 2 feats and a lot of enhancement points and filigrees in summonings and pets they should be usefull at r1.

    Fire seeds spell:
    Not sure if this is the right place to type it but can you fix the quicken for this spell and enable heighten and embolden for it?

    Make more of buffing already existing spells and make it better. Make more of summonings using your stats.

  8. #28
    Community Member J1NG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sjbb87 View Post
    Cant find Balanced Attacks, is removed?
    It basically got moved into a T5 over in GMoF.

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  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by rabidfox View Post
    As a healer, this tree looks pretty goodl; flavor wise and everything else looks really sweet. I'll want to see how it pairs up with divine, but it does seems nice. With some stuff broken and a lack of other trees I'd use available, my testing of stuff on lam is kinda limited this time around for what all I can do and it's hard to compare with live with most of the trees I use missing.

    This currently does a one-time heal and doesn't apply cocoon.
    This does look pretty amazing for healers, I hope this gets fixed.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by sjbb87 View Post
    Cant find Balanced Attacks, is removed?
    It's in Grandmaster of Flowers now.

  11. #31
    Community Member mikameow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark_Lord_Mary View Post
    Tsunami is being removed? one of the most useful things in the entire ED system and an extremely popular twist?

    Just whamo - removed?
    Seconding this as it's a pressing question.

  12. #32
    Community Member arminius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark_Lord_Mary View Post
    Tsunami is being removed? one of the most useful things in the entire ED system and an extremely popular twist?

    Just whamo - removed?
    It appears abilities were explicitly hunted down and exterminated based on popularity, effectiveness, and flexibility.

    Even if this somehow all works out, which seems doubtful at this moment, I can definitely say that the benefit of the doubt that I gave the game runners for the past 15+ years that they were at least operating in good faith, is at least strongly incapped if not dead and buried
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  13. #33
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    There aren't many casting trees to look at so I will provide some feedback here

    - DC bonuses in the caster destinies shouldn't require spell focus feats
    - There needs to be epic abilities that significantly boost caster single-target dps so they are viable for dps roles in raids - currently they are very far behind top-tier dps builds which are all martial
    - Arcane tempest is a really great ability although sparsely used due to magister's niche as a DC tree - please keep that somewhere
    - Warlock focuses on force or alignment + pact element. Please consider this with one of the destinies at least
    - Enhancement bonus spell cost reductions don't stack with items - seems kind of weak for a tier 5 ability
    - Light scion needs a DC boost
    - There is no scion providing a force crit bonus

    Nice work overall!
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
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  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cocomajobo View Post

    • (Heart) Reborn in Fire Primal Spender: A swirl of fire surrounds you dealing 1d6 fire damage per character level to enemies and healing allies for 1d3 per character level. This consumes all Primal Charges, and both the damage and healing are increased by 25% per Primal Charge. If 3 or more Primal Charges are consumed, the bonus damage and healing are doubled and you gain Dancing Flame for 6 seconds. Dancing Flame: +35% Uncapped Dodge. Cooldown: 5 Seconds. Activation Cost: 20 Spell Points.
    • (Sky) Thunder Snow: Primal Spender: Sends forth a wide wave of freezing hail before you with a narrow blast of lightning at its center directly in front of the caster. The hail deals 1d6 cold damage per character level, Fortitude save for half (DC: 20 + Evocation Bonuses + Highest Mental Ability Score Modifier). The bolt of lightning strikes for 1d6 per character level. Reflex save for half. This consumes all Primal Charges, and damage of both the hail and lightning are increased by 25% per Primal Charge. If 3 or more Primal Charges are consumed, enemies caught within are slowed by 70%. Cooldown: 20 Seconds. Activation Cost: 20 Spell Points.
    • (Thorn) Shard Storm: Summons a cloud of acidic poisonous shards that randomly strikes enemies within 15 meters. 6 strikes over 6 seconds. Each shard deals 1d3 poison and acid damage per character level. This consumes all Primal Charges, and the damage of each shard is increased by 25% per Primal Charge. If 3 or more Primal Charges are consumed, the bonus damage is doubled, and you gain Shard Deflection for 12 seconds. Shard Deflection: You gain 30% of your Maximum Hit Points as Temporary Hit Points. Cooldown: 5 Seconds. Activation Cost: 20 Seconds.
    Is there a reason these do so low damage? Take the sky one, it's 30d6 (fort for half), times 2.25 if maxed charges (so 67.5d6 * 2 for the lightning). And it has a 20 sec cd and costs 20 spellpoints.

    a 70% slow does not warrant that bad of a damage nuke. Particularly not when you need to spend 5 charges. If your goal is to make a whole builder spender system, at least making building and spending worth it.
    Last edited by A-O; 06-16-2021 at 12:00 PM.
    Formerly known as Absolute-Omniscience, co-creator of the old DPS calc.

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark_Lord_Mary View Post
    Tsunami is being removed? one of the most useful things in the entire ED system and an extremely popular twist?

    Just whamo - removed?
    It is being added as a Druid spell in the Druid class spell list.
    100% radical, enthusiasm enthusiast.

    "Have you tried preproccing feat directory?"

  16. #36
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    one question i have is why do the spenders not do each of the elements of the nature, ie heart doing fir and healing only not fire light and healing, this seems counter intuitive and quite horrible (was hoping this could be neat for force caster but thorns dosen't do force damage woulda been neat on an arti)

  17. #37
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Rejuvenation Cocoon used to be a cheap tier 1 twist.
    Now it costs 4 AP to pick up.
    Maybe it should be rolled into the first core.
    Or keep as a tier 1 ability but 1 AP for full effect...

  18. #38
    Community Member Elvejon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Can you please not remove the summon Elder Dyrad? She has been my questing companion in epics for so long I don't want to see her go while I play on my Wizard. Please make Her and other summons scalable like you did with the Oozes in the greensteel items and summons could have at least some use. I don't want the summon spells to be 15 seconds spells that say "Cast from a random assortment of spells". I want a companion from these summon spells, it's why I loved DDO in the first place.

  19. #39
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Cocomajobo View Post
    [*][*](Heart) Your Healing spells have a chance to apply a copy of Rejuvination Cocoon to your target. Your Fire, Light, and Alignment spells have a chance to apply a blast of that damage type for an extra 1d3 per character level. All effects scale with 100% Spell Power. Each effect can only occur once every 5 seconds, tracked separately. Gain a Primal Charge whenever either of these effects occur.
    Quote Originally Posted by Zuldar View Post
    Quick question, does this work with non-spells such as the radiant servants healing aura?
    I pulled out a hire and popped just my aura and sat around for a minute at the start of a zone. Got occasional cocoons appearing on both myself and hire from time to time just off the aura's ticks. =)

  20. #40
    Community Member Alrik_Fassbauer's Avatar
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    Oct 2011


    I'm a bit disappointed that the Dryaf Elder is now so high in the tree.
    I used her to get through very early Epic levels since I'm ot used to epic questing,, and she has saved my character's life far more than once.

    What people here won't see ("curse of knowledge") is that fresh first-lifers in the Epics have a very hard time.
    "You are a Tiefling. And a Cleric, with the Domain of the Sun. Doesn't that contradict each other ?" "No, all my friends are playing evil. I found that so boring that I decided to be on the good side. And, besides, Sun and Fire, where is the difference, really ?"

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