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  1. #101
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    nvm idc
    Last edited by Tilomere; 06-26-2021 at 03:05 PM.

  2. #102
    Hero Propane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    Epic Skill Focus: Intimidate is 5 DC and due to the squared intim value about 10% of the intim threat a tank generates, which is huge.

    Epic Skill Focus: Perform for bard songs is also 5 DC to songs and bard abilities in swashbuckling and tiefling scoundrel and fatesinger, which is also huge.

    Can you leave these two skill focus feats or move the bonus elsewhere? Intim to Epic DR and Perform to Lasting Inspiration?
    I was thinking the same thing - for Intimidate for sure!

    Maybe on Epic feat for +5 to all (but UMD) - one feat to rule them all!
    Sarlona - Guildmaster - Brotherhood of Redemption - - 2016 & 2017 Players Council --- Alts: Acetylene, Antimematter, CNG, Dilithium Crystal, EMF, EMPulse, Exothermic, Geothermal, Hexane, Hexyne, Hydropower, JA, Kerosene, LPG, Natural Gas, Nuclearpower, Propane, Solarpannel, Tidalpower, WASOB, Waulter, Windpower, Woodpile

  3. #103
    Community Member Vish's Avatar
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    How about destiny feat 4 at 29

    Add more feats, more diversity

    Skill feats should be jacked up or made useful
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  4. #104
    Community Member xBunny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    Epic Skill Focus: Intimidate is 5 DC and due to the squared intim value about 10% of the intim threat a tank generates, which is huge.
    Yeah, found removal of these a bad idea too. +5 intim skill is very nice for intimidation tank too.
    Actively playing on Cannith since 2018
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  5. #105
    Community Member Baahb3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xBunny View Post
    Yeah, found removal of these a bad idea too. +5 intim skill is very nice for intimidation tank too.
    Has there been any reason from the Devs on this?

    Is +5 really that OP?
    Is it because you don't need a destiny to take one now?
    Is it because "not many people took one" so we decided to remove them?
    Were they buggy or caused in game issues?

    We need/deserve an explanation on whey they were removed.
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  6. #106
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    Default Homogenization is bad

    (quote from Steelstar regarding Dire Charge and Mass Frog)
    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    [*]They're very often taken on builds whose archetypes do not match the intended archetypes of the skill.
    I play this game BECAUSE I can make up my own custom build to enjoy. If I wanted to play a clone warrior or clone wizard or clone healbot as every other MMO out there, I wouldn't be playing a 15+ year old game that still has a 50/50 chance of whether or not a ladder will allow me to climb up it in one attempt. Meeting other players with neat ideas who've mixed something up that I never thought of is amazing.

    The fact that two feats were considered "must haves" isn't the playerbase's fault so stop punishing us for your development choices. Nerfing them and locking them out to just two destinies isn't a fix anyone wanted or asked for. I feel like you could introduce more power in other feats rather than make these two feats super effective and make all other choices so sub-par that it isn't even a consideration to skip them for the top tier players (of which I am not one).

    PLEASE stop trying to make DDO a trinity game. Please tell your corporate overlords that going down the path of cloning other games isn't what the players who choose Dungeons and Dragons want and if you end up there, then there is no reason to stay with DDO as newer games out there will offer prettier graphics and mobile options. (Sidenote; please don't make DDO mobile. Yes, most of us have phones. No, we're not asking for that.)

    Customization is what makes DDO different. Please stop trying to be like every other game out there. I do not want someone else telling me how I will play my (insert class name here) or I cannot play it at all.

  7. #107
    Community Member Valerianus's Avatar
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    epic feats rework would be the perfect time to remove epic defensive fighting from the game and move those % hp into combat style feats as passives.

  8. #108
    Community Member Certon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    Will this change affect some builds? Yes, definitely. However, if a build was only being held up by its access to one of these two feats, it wasn't an especially good build to begin with; and again, it's still available to any build that wants to get it out of T5 of those Destinies. It's our hope that this new system has good, accessible abilities for most (if not all) builds, and ideally you'll find a good fit in this new system somewhere to fill the role left by these feats.
    I like that you somehow get to decide what a 'good' build is. #sarcasm

    You let lightning out of a bottle. YOU messed up. But its the players who loved the abilities and built entire BUILDS and invested hundreds of hours into them that pay the penalty, now that you're JAMMING that lightning back into where it "belongs."

    Thanks for marginalizing our concern with an insulting choice of words. "it wasn't an especially good build..." bah. I have some choice words for you too, but I don't want to get banned.

  9. #109
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kakow View Post
    (quote from Steelstar regarding Dire Charge and Mass Frog)

    I play this game BECAUSE I can make up my own custom build to enjoy. If I wanted to play a clone warrior or clone wizard or clone healbot as every other MMO out there, I wouldn't be playing a 15+ year old game that still has a 50/50 chance of whether or not a ladder will allow me to climb up it in one attempt. Meeting other players with neat ideas who've mixed something up that I never thought of is amazing.

    The fact that two feats were considered "must haves" isn't the playerbase's fault so stop punishing us for your development choices. Nerfing them and locking them out to just two destinies isn't a fix anyone wanted or asked for. I feel like you could introduce more power in other feats rather than make these two feats super effective and make all other choices so sub-par that it isn't even a consideration to skip them for the top tier players (of which I am not one).

    PLEASE stop trying to make DDO a trinity game. Please tell your corporate overlords that going down the path of cloning other games isn't what the players who choose Dungeons and Dragons want and if you end up there, then there is no reason to stay with DDO as newer games out there will offer prettier graphics and mobile options. (Sidenote; please don't make DDO mobile. Yes, most of us have phones. No, we're not asking for that.)

    Customization is what makes DDO different. Please stop trying to be like every other game out there. I do not want someone else telling me how I will play my (insert class name here) or I cannot play it at all.
    "I don't WANT to play a clone but I WANT to be forced to take EXACTLY THE SAME FEAT AS EVERYONE ELSE because there are NO OTHER OPTIONS."


    Locking mechanics behind walls of tradeoffs is exactly what allows the multiple-build structure of the game to work.

    And, yes, if you rely entirely on a singular crutch ability and your build falls apart when that ability gets moved or changed, the build is bad, and you already ARE playing a boring clone exploiter build, not something original or unique.

    What they've done is to force you to ACTUALLY play something different, and instead of saying "yay, unique options on the horizon" you've decided to hunker down on your little same-as-everyone-else 5'x5' square and moan about it.

    Yet we're supposed to buy that you LOVE complex building and options and trade-offs? Please. You're complaining about being offered the very thing you claim you want, much like the focus groups who, when ASKED what kind of coffee they want, say they want a "rich, dark roast" because that sounds aesthetically appealing. However, their buying habits indicate that they actually BUY a weak, blonde roast instead.

    Yes, leaving your little comfort zone can be scary, but I guarantee that this teeny little swimming pool doesn't contain any sharks. It ain't deep sea diving.
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  10. #110
    Community Member Certon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PsychoBlonde View Post
    "I don't WANT to play a clone but I WANT to be forced to take EXACTLY THE SAME FEAT AS EVERYONE ELSE because there are NO OTHER OPTIONS."


    Locking mechanics behind walls of tradeoffs is exactly what allows the multiple-build structure of the game to work.

    And, yes, if you rely entirely on a singular crutch ability and your build falls apart when that ability gets moved or changed, the build is bad, and you already ARE playing a boring clone exploiter build, not something original or unique.

    What they've done is to force you to ACTUALLY play something different, and instead of saying "yay, unique options on the horizon" you've decided to hunker down on your little same-as-everyone-else 5'x5' square and moan about it.

    Yet we're supposed to buy that you LOVE complex building and options and trade-offs? Please. You're complaining about being offered the very thing you claim you want, much like the focus groups who, when ASKED what kind of coffee they want, say they want a "rich, dark roast" because that sounds aesthetically appealing. However, their buying habits indicate that they actually BUY a weak, blonde roast instead.

    Yes, leaving your little comfort zone can be scary, but I guarantee that this teeny little swimming pool doesn't contain any sharks. It ain't deep sea diving.
    Great. More talking down to people with concerns. This is constructive.

  11. #111
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Can it be made that Master of X feats apply their benefit to ALL spells of the relevant type?

    For instance:
    Master of Fire
    Your Fire spells gain +10 to their maximum caster level. Grants +140 maximum Spell Points.

    Seems obvious to me though perhaps there is some specific spells that should be excluded? What does everyone think?
    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
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  12. #112
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    Default share and share alike

    Quote Originally Posted by Seph1roth5 View Post
    Lol they've made everything more uniform by changing the attack that EVERY melee took?
    By making every one just as nerfed. No one "overperforming" here. everyone is nice and equal no matter how much time and effort and thought into your guys. After a bunch of lives most people knew that the other EDF were junk that is why everyone had to take those feats. Its like seeing all the crippled kids with crutches to get around and saying...those crutches let them over preform compared to the paraplegic kids. We must ensure equity!

  13. #113
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    Default you act like thats a bad thing

    Quote Originally Posted by kpak01 View Post
    So DPS casters get massive more DCs for free while only losing a bit of DPS, while DC casters just lose. Like I care about getting +30% more crit damage of basically nothing DPS to start with anyway. So is this just supposed to "get rid of DC casters as a thing"?
    Yes they have ad a hate on for DC casters for years. they want you to slog through the thousands of HP that their trash mobs have not just blow through them...why there would need to be something else to makes the quest interesting and that causes lag.

    remember when Wail of the Banshee actually effected every one that heard it like its supposed to?

  14. #114
    Community Member SoVeryBelgian's Avatar
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    Default I feel like the changes being drastic warrant more flavor in response

    If you're going to really make this an OVERHAUL of Epic Destinies, rather than tweakin small things or moving things around that set off everyone's peeve radar (apparently), I'd say go big and add some Fresh Stuff (tm) to this whole ordeal.

    Seriously, you guys are in the hole with people, so eh, might as well see some cool new stuff for epics. If you're concerned about player variety and not pigeonholing feats/enhancements, then some new options need to surface.

    Also unrelated: The Charge / Save / Spend mechanic in the Trees is a bit... ew. That definitely needs lookin' at.

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