Vanguard is not a defensive tree as one might expect. Its all about the Attack Speed adds and Shield Bash component.
The attack speed starts out very slow and the shield bashing chance is capped at 60Att/Min.
Attack Speed is spread through the cores 20% at level 20. Haste Potions will help in big fights along with your Haste Boost for a total of 45% attack speed burst.
Skills: Jump *(STR), Heal (WIS), Intimidate *(CHA), Search *(INT), Use Magic Device *(CHA)
1st level Tumble 2 point (.5+.5=1) Steal 2 points from Heal.
You can swap items with bonuses to boost the skills when necessary. Use Intm to draw mobs to you and protect your Cleric. HP potions can be used while under water if necessary. I think the use of Intimidate is important to learn if you want to play with a group eventually. I suggest using a cleric hireling to heal yourself along with HP potions.
As Panjed said Intimidate is a Social skill that can be used in quests on NPCs to get your way as well as draw mobs to you so you can kill them faster.
Trip and Stunning Blow are the meat and potatoes of the build as they will work on more than one target. Shield Bash was not given Strike Through ability see for complete info on it.
Because Hand and a Half (Bastard Sword Dwarven War Axe) weapons use the Two Handed Fighting feats they receive Strike Through bonuses as well.
The best DPS builds dont use Stalwart Defender at all and focus on Kensei and Vanguard enhancement trees exclusively. This version is a DPS build that eventually gets *Epic Defensive Fighting for up to 30% HP increase.
Tactical DCs are derived from Strength (2 Strengrh = 1 DC), Fighter Tactical Feats: Tactical Training (4), Tactical Combatant (8), Tactical Mastery (12), Tactical Supremacy (16). On a mew character you will want at least the last three of these. Due to the enormous amount of feats i didnt include Tactical Training (2 DCs).
You were saying you want to use as much of the VanGuard tree as possible. A Fighter typically uses Kensei 39 AP for Tier 5 (forefoing the capstone) and 41 AP in Vanguard Tier 4 plus the capstone (Core 6). Kensei So their isnt a lot of defense on this DPS build and i usually stear new players away from Vanguard altogether. Since THF allows for much better defense as well as great DPS. A Paladin has a much better options if you want to play Tier 5 Vanguard as they get Holysword Spell to cover both the Critical Threat and Multiplier. Kensei Tier 5 is the only place to get +1 Critical Threat for a Fighter outside of using universal trees. Its not to say you cant go without the critical threat of Kensie though. You just wont Crit quite as often % wise.
The high amount of Feats you have to put into this build to make it function well leaves little room for added Heavy Armor Feats for PRR and MRR adds until later heroic levels. The Shield Mastery line adds a total 15 PRR.
Some people would suggest going right through to level 30 Epics as a new player. I dont. I would learn the game a bit first.
You will need to purchase Epic Destinies when you decide to advance to endgame.
Feats at level ups:
1 Weapon Focus Slash
1 (Human) Exotic Weapon Bastard Sword
1 (Fighter) Two Handed Fighting
2 Improved Shield Bash 20%
3 Stunning Blow
4 Power Attack
6 Improved Two Handed Fighting
6 Tactical Combatant +4 DCs
8 IC Slashing
9 Shield Mastery
10 Weapon Specialization Slashing
12 Greater Two Handed Fighting
12 Tactical Mastery +6 DCs
14 Greater Weapon Focus Slashing
15 Improved Shield Mastery
16 Tactical Supremacy +8 DCs
18 Greater Shield Mastery
18 Heavy Armor Champion
20 Heavy Armor Master
You receive Fighter Bonus Feats at level 1 +all Even Number Feats along the way to level 20 for a total of 11.
Enhancement Trees
Kensei 39 Action Points Tier 5
1 Kensei Focus: Heavy Blades, 3 Spiritual Bond, 6 Strike With No Thought, 12 Power Surge, 18 One Cut
Tier I
Extra Action Boost: +1/+2/+3, Weapon Group Specialization Heavy Blades, Exotic Weapon Mastery, Haste Boost: Activate to gain +10%/+20%/+30%
Tier II
Tactics: +1/2/3 to the DC's of your Tactical abilities, Weapon Group Specialization Heavy Blades,
Tier III
Weapon Group Specialization Heavy Blades, Shattering Strike,
Tier IV
Opportunity Attack, Weapon Group Specialization Heavy Blades, Liquid Courage, Strike at the Heart
Tier V
A Good Death (Melee), Weapon Master, One With The Blade, Deadly Strike, Keen Edge: You gain a +1 Competence bonus to Critical Threat Range
Vanguard 41 Action Points Tier 4
1 To the Fore!, 3 Shield Combat I, 6 Vicious Shield I, 12 Shield Combat II, 18 Vicious Shield II, Shield Champion
Tier I
Shield Specialization I, No Weakness
Tier II
Shield Specialization II, Brutality: [+1/+2/+3] to the DC of Stunning abilities, Stunning Shield, Missile Shield, Action Boost: Melee Power: [+10/+20/+30]
Tier III
Shield Specialization III, Follow Up (3), Fatal Bulwark, +1 Strength
Tier IV
Shield Specialization IV, Vanguard Armor Mastery, Shield Charge (3), Myrmidon's Edge (2), +1 Strength
You can try Tier 5 Vanguard with a quick reset of your enhancement trees. It costs more plat the next time you reset which sucks when you dont have a lot of Plat.
Good Luck!