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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    Default Swyftfeets guide to DDO ( a brain dump ) for new players

    Who this guide is aimed at: This is an overall guide for someone who has heard about the game, wants to start, or only a few weeks/months in who are overwhelmed by the enormity of DDO and the lack of any explicit directions on how to DDO.

    This aimed at people who are willing to spend some money on a VIP sub and pony up for at least the Menace of the Underdark and Shadowfell Conspiracy so you get access to Epic Destinies. Its also got some info on what and what not to buy in the store. Theres a pack for $59 in the store that gives you these expansions with Raveloft which you can decide if you want to go that route around level 10 through 12.

    It’s a mishmash brain-dump of general knowledge I wish I knew when I started the game a couple years ago. There’s a non-zero chance that some of the information is wrong through ignorance. I don’t know everything about the game, some of the content is subjective, some objective.

    What this guide is not:

    It’s not a step-by-step guide with build, quest, and level progression.

    Is the game dying/dead?
    No, not if your reading this.

    Is the game laggy and buggy?
    Sometimes, but even with the downsides its fun as all get out. No other MMO has the character building aspect that matches this game. You can also accomplish something even if you only have 15 minutes to play.

    Is it expensive?
    First, I should preface everything is possible by earning points by playing. It might take more time than you have left on earth if you play occasionally, or you're a lot more patient than I am if you can accomplish this.

    But, if you're like me the answer is somewhat resounding yes, I would not recommend it to someone who has problems paying their normal bills. Entertainment per hour wise, If you can trade 1 night at the movies a month or one dinner out, its worth it. Its $15 for a sub per month. Less if you buy in qty. You're looking at an addition 150sh dollars to get all the expansions and significantly more to unlock all the classes. thats cash out of pocket, almost all of it can be bought in game using DDO points.

    You don’t have to do it all at once. And you most definitely shouldn't. Again you *can* do it by earning points from questing, but it would take too long for me.

    With a subscription netting 500 per month and favor farming you get enough points organically to afford things you will want/need.

    Equipment wise:
    This can run on an atari 2600. Seriously tho its not that gear dependant. I personally wouldn’t play without 2 monitors. One for main screen set for full screen windowed mode and the other for the DDO wiki/compedium. There's maps and hints and all kinds of info that’s useful that would be too crazy to be alt tabbing about. Can you do it yes. Not my cup of tea.

    Are there active players at my level?

    Yes, given how DDO is playedvs other MMOs, there are experienced players at almost every level all the time. its not a wasteland to cap. After you do the opening quest hit the O button and join a group or start your own LFG by typing something like “noob needs a tutorial someone anyone help me please” in the comment line, I'm willing to bet it would get a bite in no time at all. 90% of the player base I’ve run into is very friendly and most will help a new person. We want more subscribers, it keeps the servers alive for a game we love. if a group is running reapers or r1 in the comment, send the group leader a tell and ask if they mind dragging a noob about, most likely it will be fine.

    Should you get a VIP subscription?

    I would say until you get out of the harbor its not really required. Test the water, see if you like the game. Korthos (the starting Zone) and the next zone from there The Harbor are all free to play quests. You can even google “DDO F2P quests by level.” There’s a lot of content for FTP but you will run into things where you’re gated. Like achieving enough favor for more bank space or getting favor enough for more bag space, some other unlocks I will mention below.

    Now why would you want to?
    1) It gives you all the quest packs, but not expansions, its a ton of available content from packs alone.
    2) It gives access to all the races while your sub is active. (pick F2P race in case you let sub expire)
    3) It gives you some shared bank space
    4) It gives you a 10% bonus to xp
    5) It allows you to open the quests on whatever difficulty you want to play at. If you aren’t VIP and are a 1st life character in order to get max favor from a quest you have to play it 3 times. Normal->Hard->Elite. More on this later.
    6) Gives you 500 store points a month
    7) A weekly gold roll
    8) Allows you to skip 1 quest per saga
    9) Keeps the servers running and pays the Devs (even if you don’t like every decision they make)
    Last edited by scut207; 06-09-2021 at 03:38 PM.
    Sarlona: Thrundrack, Fizzix, Swyft______(alts x20)

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