Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
OP mentioned going DEX-based to take advantage of DEX bonuses from Acrobat; also Sweeping Strikes DC is based on DEX and you need base DEX 21 for Improved Sneak Attack. Plus it saves a few APs by not going for Strategic Combat II in Harper; which doesn't sound like a lot, but like I said - APs are tight on pure Acrobats.

The last two Acrobat cores are pretty solid now: passively gain +2 to maximum dodge, +2 Strength and Dexterity, +20% Doublestrike while using staves, +1 to hit and +2 damage with quarterstaves, +5% attack speed with quarterstaves, +2 critical hit damage with all weapons, +2 Balance, Jump, and Tumble, +2 Sneak Attack dice and +2 to hit when performing Sneak Attacks. And gain some temp bonuses after Tumbling: +2 Morale bonus to Strength and Dexterity, +50% strikethrough chance and gain On Vorpal: Your target is knocked down for 12 seconds.

Maybe if you're already at or near the Doublestrike cap, the extra +20% DS is overkill; but an extra +5% attack speed on top of the +15% from Acrobatics is always welcome. I mean Cetus's latest fighter build is based on VKF capstone's +5% attack speed being universal now, as well as Doublestrike and Melee Power bonuses in VKF; though granted this works in part because he can hit 99% Doublestrike without Kensei capstone.

I think the main incentive to monk 6 is Shadow Veil; 25% Incorporealty doesn't have many sources. But the tradeoff is switching from light armor to robes so lower MRR cap. Plus you're still AP-constrained. Decisions, decisions...
Pretty much ALL^ of that has gone into my thoughts. I have tried a monk/rogue henshin/TA split... it didn't go well for me but perhaps its mostly because I do not play monk well in DDO and its so unlike monk in P&P with which I'm far more familiar. So far this character has been a human rog/monk (Split wis/dex base), a Shadar-kai TA/Assassin dex/int based, and is now a halforc 18rog/2fighter str based. Her first two lives she didn't do an ER, just went TRed to basically start over. This life I was really enjoying her and got 3 or 4 epic past lives but now its too much a struggle to get back to 30 so I was looking to play her as a pure rogue acrobat which encourages Dex based.