Arms & Equipment Crafting Upgrade

First let me say that the changes to the crafting and augment systems over the years have been great in my opinion. In saying this I do not think they are a completed system and could be expanded on in ways that would change this game from a quest and repeat style game where everything is about questing and raiding to something more world developing.

First the Cannith Crafting should stay the way it is everything I suggest would add to this system and allow those that wish to craft and add to the player economy do so.
Now the additions as the recipes are applied now we have a selection of enchantments that we cannot get this is ok but there should be a way to get these enchantments. I would suggest
that we must pull the enchantment off one of those random drop items with a process this can be a world/raid item (like the threads of fate) that would add this enchantment to your crafting list, also allow this process to be used on raid items to get the recipe for enchantments that are not on a usual spot so something that we normally cannot add to a slot we now could if we pulled the Enchantment off of an item that had it in the spot we wanted. This part of the system would remain the same as it is now with just the ability to add recipes no new feats now new skills needed.

Now for item creation for this you should add both feats and skills. The skills I am talking about would be basic: Craft (XXX) (XXX=Clothing,Armor,Wepons,Jewelry,Shields,Potions ) ranks (not overall score) would unlock new templets in the case of weapons simple,martial,exotic with 23 ranks in Craft: Weapons skill you should have a 50% base chance to make a normal exotic weapon, Now you ask about special metal weapons these should require that you get special very general templates so as example let’s say you get a silver weapons templet this would cover all weapons but would tack a -5% Completion penalty to making a weapon making your chance to make an exotic weapon with the silver property a 45% this is without buffs or equipped items. Now for the Feat you should also have to have the Craft Item feat to make anything but a base non special metal/master crafted item this feat should also give you a +5% completion bonus The feats Craft Magical Item and Craft Wondrous Item should give a similar bonus as well as open additional slots to a weapon/armor. So as an example a Level 30 Arti with all 3 feats and 23 ranks wants to create an exotic weapon he would have a 65% chance to and has the templets for adamantine weapons as well as the template to add augment slots to weapons so the metal property would make a -10% and each augment added should add stacking negative (something like -5% colorless, -10% blue,yellow,red, -15% purple,orange,green). A weapon should look like this on a spread sheet.
Item Type Item Property Cannith 1 Cannith 2 Cannith 3 Item Augment1 Item Augment2 Item Augment3
(Weapon, Exotic) Adamantine Prefix Suffix Extra Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3

So if we say all 3 slots where red and the metal type was done his chance to make this weapon would be 25% this is where overall score would matter to bring the completion chance up if you fail by 5% the weapon is not made and you lose some materials at failed by 10% the item is made but loses an item ability and can be enchanted as normal at 15% it should lock 2 item abilities at 20% or more it should make a useless item that cannot be enchanted and cannot be changed. Also the item augment slots should also be craft able with special templates to add other things to the item like in, armor the Thistledown under padding so let’s say it should look something like this.
Item Type Item Property Cannith 1 Cannith 2 Cannith 3 Item Augment1 Item Augment2 Item Augment3
(Armor,Heavy) Mithral Prefix Suffix Extra Thistledown Slot 3

This armor would be due to the two item properties would be 1 class lighter would drop ASF by 15% and Skill penalty by 1 would increases MDB by 2 this is before any enchantments are added or augment slots filled now you could also under the item type use a armor pattern like
Item Type Item Property Cannith1 Cannith2 Cannith3 Item Augment1 Item Augment2 Item Augment3
(Armor,Heavy, Mithral Prefix Suffix Extra Thistledown Slot 3

The stats on the following armor would be Absolute ML 22, it would become Medium Armor, Armor Bonus 24, Max Dex Bonus 3, Armor Check Penalty -3, and Spell Failure 20%. As you can see with the past two examples the special ability thistledown should take two item augments because of the bonuses it adds as they would stack with everything.

One more example this one for resistance to acid
Item Type Item Property Cannith 1 Cannith 2 Cannith 3 Item Augment1 Item Augment2 Item Augment3
(Armor,Heavy, Adamantine Acid Abs 35% Acid Res 51 IAcid Res 25 Black Salad Skin Blue:
PlaneForged) Heavy Fort
The Stats would be as follows ML 30, Armor Bonus 30, Max Dex bonus 1, Armor Check Penalty -5, Spell Failure 35%, Fortification 110%, Acid Resistance 86, Acid Absorption 35%, the extra 10 acid Resistance and Fort comes from the Black Salad Skin.

Now for augments I do like the changes though I think more augments need to be added at different levels not just end game to see more use also the soul forged items should include the already existing set bonuses what I mean is we should be able to take an item with the set bonus we want and turn it into an augment that will stack with the existing items in a set as powerful as these bonuses are or could be a feat like Craft Epic item should be required to go through the process it should follow All the rules that the current soul forged augments follow just not the max level one.