Hello everyone!
So, I have finally hit end-game, but I have decided that my current toon is too much of a mix between dps/tank so I cannot do either effectively. I was wondering what "super" tank builds are out there? I am looking for something with AC:~400, 400+ PRR, and as much hp as possible.
While I would prefer this build be iconic (so I can get back to epic levels ASAP), I am open to any/all builds so long as they have proven to work. Also, bonus points if they can swap gear or something to do a little soloing.
So far, my research has revelated possible FVS splits (12 FVS/4 ftr/ 4 pally), Pally splits (12 pally/ 8 ftr), and I have even seen some warlocks be super tanky. I am looking for a detailed guide (enhancement breakdowns, level breakdowns etc.).
Thank you all for your help!