Ahh, I couldn't remeber if the suit I had was an older version or a newer one. It doesn't have the mithral property on it though (shows as full plate and heavy armor prof) so it may be really old. Haven't tried wearing it without heavy prof though so I'm not sure.
I think I recall there being three versions of it. One as heavy without mithral, one with medium prof and PRR/MRR, and apparently the newest with mithral, medium prof and heavy PRR/MRR. I'll have to look into upgrading mine.
Last edited by Buddha5440; 05-31-2021 at 05:25 PM.
Dennis the Peasant: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.
No, in my estimation the word "wrong", as a monosyllabic response to a post, is both uninformative and nonproductive. You provide no sense of what you find "wrong", nor what you would consider "right".
The key word in my previous post was "appropriate".
But to address your implied question, the important disagreement is that, in my estimation, there is no single stereotype for "soloists" that is accurate enough to allow one to judge in this matter, and certainly not with a blanket judgement. Hence my rebuttal.
Not covincing. The original claim was "almost impossible for soloists to acquire", no further definition given. To which you apparently disagree. So wrong is an appropriate response to that claim. Unless you agree, then yes, those flasks are not to be aquired by solo players. Is that the case? Doubtful.
Last edited by anangel22; 05-31-2021 at 11:22 PM.
For Free to Play players or First life players who cannot unlock Elite, yes. For soloists, no.
A Heal Flask which is one of the most obsolete items in the list is Minimum level 11 with a 5 minute cooldown requires 5500 dragonshards. Those are the equivalent of 6 Level 28 Cove Items. That would take approx 25+ runs of Crystal Cove on a good solo player and maybe 50+ runs on a bad solo player.
All the Crystal Cove stuff was updated in 2018 by Lynnabel based on a whole lot of player input. Expansion equipment definitely outclasses most of it but some players will find some pieces useful.
If Alrik wants a Bottomless Flask of Rum, he should get himself a Bottomless Flask of Rum. He knows his situation better than anyone.
Even though I have yet to scrape together the Mysterious Remnants to afford it, I have long coveted the Eternal Flask of Freedom of Movement. Since that item shares a cool down with the Bottomless Flask of Rum, I never bought the Rum. *shrug*
Sophie Cat Burglar - Creator, Dreamer, Explorer - Happy yet Sad - Seeker of Beauty and Wonder
Exotic Item Recovery Specialist. I wish you all many happy adventures!
can we please have bta compasses, like the one we got with the free coupon, and making them stack with that one, and thus bankable at least in the shared bank (but let them in the crafting storage would be better)?