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  1. #21
    Community Member arminius's Avatar
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    I also wish they would leave them alone. Because they represent the best bang for the buck, reincarnation-wise, I'd wager that there have been more overall epic lives per character in the game than heroic lives. That is an investment of thousands of hours, and if that is not somehow adequately represented in the final product, then there will be a lot of really angry players, soon to be ex-players.

    If they are going to invest the time into fixing epic-related items, how about fixing epic reincarnations generally so that they don't nuke your entire history at the slightest hiccup, and so that if they do nuke your entire history at the slightest hiccup, provide your technical support personnel with the tools required to actually restore *everything* that was lost, as if from backup, as if computer objects could be backed up and restored to a given snapshot in time, instead of slapping a bandaid on one round of xp per sphere and kicking us out the door
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  2. #22
    Community Member Zezahk's Avatar
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    I hope they actually get the time, testing and feedback to get it done properly. One thing I see time and again is that the team is forced to compromise to get something out, or it either doesnt' get enough feedback during beta or feedback isn't taken.

  3. #23
    Community Member Nugaot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zezahk View Post
    I hope they actually get the time, testing and feedback to get it done properly. One thing I see time and again is that the team is forced to compromise to get something out, or it either doesnt' get enough feedback during beta or feedback isn't taken.
    I agree with this, I don’t want to see the ED changes rushed out to release as the bow pass was, which despite being buffed is still very underwhelming. While one combat style being changed effects only a portion of the player base, ED changes effects EVERYONE. A three-day beta test in the middle of the week would be grossly inappropriate for such a far-reaching change.

  4. #24
    Community Member Annex's Avatar
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    I expect my characters to be significantly more powerful as a result of the update, allowing them to level from 20 to 30 noticeably more quickly.

    I expect the update to provide new, interesting, exciting skills that will make my characters more fun to play.

    If the update does not meet these criteria, it was a complete waste of time.

    If the update makes my characters weaker and increases the time necessary to level from 20 to 30, I will be upset and continue to play something else.
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  5. #25
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    I agree with Annex.... epic hasn't been endgame for a LONG time, so no reason anymore for epic elite and epic low reaper being such a huge step up from heroic.

    Making characters weaker would be terrible. So you'd need to have 24 destiny points at lvl 20 with destiny level 5 and tiers 6 available, plus enough points for other destinies just like fate points would give now. Leveling and pastlives would then give you more points to spend in other destinies.

  6. #26
    Community Member Kalindush's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizard1406 View Post
    How do you solo R1 comfortably? I have 22 pastlives and 39 RP (which took 4 years to get) and I am VERY FAR from being able to solo epic R1 without wipes or taking forever.

    Some red crown or double champion pulls on R1 are too much and would require a reset, and it takes way too long anyway due to inflated HP. 30min for a quest that would take like 10min in a group or on hard.
    I take my time. I like to play DDO to relax, so I don't expect to finish a quest too early. I'm mostly solo, so I don't expect to run so fast as any group at same level as me (but it may already happened). I also like to play the same build over and over. I may change class some times, but at lvl 20 I will be probably mostly tired of the new build, so new classes to me are mostly Heroics only.

    I would like to advise to check the crowd controls of your build and give preference to the No Save ones. I like to use Warlock Fiend Pact, so I know Hurl Through Hell will paralyze (at least) most of Champions, Power Word: Stun also works nicely on champions (except on Pandemonium or Feytouched Champions) and Reapers. If anything goes wrong, I spawn Black Tentacles. If everything is ok, I spawn Tentacles anyway and jump over the mobs, then I use all my Burst SLAs and heal with Coccoon. When Red Named appears, I also attack with Consume and Stricken (with Enhancements which reduces their PRR, MRR and inflicts Vulnerability).

    I also like to use Tiefling Scoundrel Spellsinger Fatesinger Bard (which got buffed a few months ago). Two Greater Shouts (SLA and normal) helps a lot with crowd mobs, allied with Soundburst, Mass Hold Monster and Fiendish Arpaggio (with Ash Imprisionment Enhancement). Those spells all have saves, but you will probably can reach the necessary DC with proper gear and Tomes. Normal mobs will die easily, but Red Nameds may take forever to die. I also like to play Bladeforged Paladin with Sharn Set for Paladins and few gear items from Borderlands and Catacombs, though I don't know if the nerf on Doublestrike and Two Handed Fighting had turned it impractical.

    I also prioritize Grim Barricade Enhancements over any other Reaper Enhancement Tree. I can't cause damage if I'm dead. PRR is the best for me since I can avoid spells by running away from casters, but PRR helps me when I surrounded by melee mobs, especially champions or Carnage.

    (Shhhh... I play Sorcerer very badly, so I can't have myself to recommend this one! Don't tell anyone!)

    I think I finish my quests between 15-20 minutes, though if I play a very overwhelming quest (let's say... lvl 24 toon at Sharn or Feywild R1) it can take almost a hour, if I not ragequit it first. lol

    I hope it helps. Sorry for bad English or grammar. English is not my native language.

  7. #27
    Ultimate Completionist
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    From the outside looking in, the trends seem to be heading in the right direction so far.

    Starting with what seems to be going correctly:

    1) Sympathize with Beginners.

    Please totally kill Karma, ED XP, Spheres, Bridges, etc...
    New players should have the same leveling-up process as Veterans.

    2) Crush the old Epic Destiny System.

    Compare what you are doing to the MotU revamp of heroic trees.
    No one looks back and says, "I sure wish we had the old heroic tree system."
    Level 20 is no longer end game, and you have reaper for difficulty adjustments.
    There is no reason to hold back.

    3) Make the new system Fun!

    Rewrite the boring stuff.
    Rewrite the less used stuff.
    Throw in some spinners from your dream boards.
    Take out anything that was nerfed (looking at your Tree Form).

    4) Move all Tier six abilities to tier five or lower.

    The style should be heroic trees that don't have a tier six.
    Simplicity works.

    5) Make ability score increases universal.

    Tri-Quad-Penta-Hexa ability choices are the new normal for universal trees (which is what epic destinies are within the 4th edition).

    6) Remove Epic Caster Levels from Epic Destinies.

    Place these back where they belong - unto Epic and Legendary Levels.
    Also, consider any Caster Level and Min Caster Level bonuses within Epic Destinies to be universal.

    Don't be afraid of buffing Multiclass spellcasters, as this group suffers heavily from a lack of high-level spells and likely depends upon weapon's combat.

    7) Make your starting Epic Destiny Point Pool generous.

    Remember what I posted about the Hybrid system.
    If the overall goal at level 40 is ((40-20)*4) = 80 epic destiny points, then it's easy to shift the numbers around.
    A starting value of 20 epic destiny points (plus Past Lives Bonuses) and three epic destiny points earned per level will make everyone happy.
    A stretch goal could be "all epic completion's point pool equals or exceeds 24 points."

    8) Don't rush thru.

    Your first impression is essential; make it count with a strong presentation.
    Don't leave things unfinished for later, although presenting part of the trees on Lamania is fine.

  8. #28
    Community Member dennisck2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jomee View Post
    I wish they'd leave them alone!
    I know this will catch hate, but this is what I wish as well.
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  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by dennisck2 View Post
    I know this will catch hate, but this is what I wish as well.
    +1 No worries.

    I think this is a very valid point of view that the Devs should not ignore.

    The new and improved Epic Destinies must have a "wow this is fun" factor with it.
    It needs to be next level.
    Anything less fails.

  10. #30
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    Adjust the Epic TR system, make it so that you can Epic TR whenever you have a full sphere (6 million XP) and are at or above level 20.
    So if I want to stay at level 30 and run raids I can also do Epic TRs (drain XP from the Sphere) and stay at level 30.
    That way we can decrease some of the grind.

    Yes Iconic characters will be able to get past lives a little bit faster.

    I can see keeping the 4 Sphere system, just remove the bridges.

  11. #31
    Community Member AbyssalMage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizard1406 View Post
    How do you solo R1 comfortably? I have 22 pastlives and 39 RP (which took 4 years to get) and I am VERY FAR from being able to solo epic R1 without wipes or taking forever.

    Some red crown or double champion pulls on R1 are too much and would require a reset, and it takes way too long anyway due to inflated HP. 30min for a quest that would take like 10min in a group or on hard.
    Maybe start a new thread but I guess it depends on the build. Melee/Range I have no problem solo'ing most content on r1 up to 30 with a hiccup here and there. That's with a lot less pass lives than you and 1/2 the RP's. I never focus hard enough on DC's to make casters work in EE so r1 is out of the question.

    I've done Sharn but that was a slog and dropped back down to EE. I refuse to purchase Fey or the newest garbage (see earlier post for reasons why)

    My guess is you have a gearing or playstyle problem. Although with all the range/bow nerf's I am not sure I can do r1 in Reaper any longer. Why do they hate bow builds so much? I submit before I go on a tangent.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    This^ in so many words is how you say time and feedback on Lammania are wasted.

  12. #32
    Community Member Ausdoerrt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tsutti View Post
    Except that U49 buffed bows.
    My Silver Longbow from 10 years ago disagrees Anyway, it was toungue-in-cheek, don't wanna derail the thread. I do expect something better than Shiradi and / or something less clunky than Fury for ranged / bow users, though.

    No it's much worse than that, it takes until just after level 23 to max your first destiny. Each destiny is 1,980,000 xp to max iirc and level 23 is at 1,950,000 xp. Sounded like they're adding some initial spending points so hopefully this issue is at least mitigated.
    And even worse than that, it'll take a few epic lives to actually fill all the destinies. Which mostly means piking in off-destiny while not enjoying the character.

    I also hope they do something about the level 20-21 gap where you're stuck in a sort of limbo between heroic and epic.
    "People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. ... People's heads are full of knowledge, facts, and beliefs, and most of it is false, yet they think it all true." Terry Goodkind

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by hit_fido View Post
    I'll judge the outcome on four metrics:

    1. Does the revamped system appropriately account for whatever progression players made through the current system?

    2. Does the revamped system simplify the entry into and the progression through epic destinies?

    3. Can players create more, the same, or fewer interesting build combinations (destiny combinations) during the 20-30 levelling range?

    4. Does my well-progressed character still get a power increase moving from 19-20 that is proportional to the difficulty increase moving from heroic to epic quests.
    I'd say this pretty much covers it for me; I would add :

    5. how much they increase the 'fun' factor
    6. how much they decrease the 'grind' factor

    (both partially included in the original points)

    Quote Originally Posted by Ausdoerrt View Post
    Don't nerf bows again?
    and of course this!

  14. #34
    Community Member LittleLexi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zezahk View Post
    I hope they actually get the time, testing and feedback to get it done properly. One thing I see time and again is that the team is forced to compromise to get something out, or it either doesnt' get enough feedback during beta or feedback isn't taken.
    This hits the nail on the head

  15. #35
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    I hope that they make them so that there are more options EDs feel pigeonholed to certain builds or play styles

    I use to enjoy the EDs back when lvl cap was 28 now they feel stale

    We have ED with so many things based on procs if that was a problem enough for the change to double strike & shot then have a look at those
    Last edited by Oxarhamar; 05-28-2021 at 01:41 PM.

  16. #36
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    A balance pass. Lots of abilities within EDs fall within the realm of "nobody will choose this excerpt a newbie who doesn't realize he's gimping himself"

    Would also like to see some way to get access to tier 5 nodes even if tier 6 is still gated

  17. #37
    Community Member Shadowperson's Avatar
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    They should either remove destinies or leave it as is.

  18. #38
    Community Member Jomee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silverleafeon View Post
    +1 No worries.

    I think this is a very valid point of view that the Devs should not ignore.

    The new and improved Epic Destinies must have a "wow this is fun" factor with it.
    It needs to be next level.
    Anything less fails.
    Maybe they should just start working on a legendary destiny sphere that complements the epic ones.

  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by AbyssalMage View Post
    Although with all the range/bow nerf's I am not sure I can do r1 in Reaper any longer. Why do they hate bow builds so much? I submit before I go on a tangent.
    Bows were buffed though. Maybe not if you ran quests by just waiting for manyshot every fight, but the way they are now you have reasonably good trash clear by just juggling archer's focus/IPS and using sniper shot + manyshot on high hp targets (also of course hunt's end, ideally on as big a line of mobs as possible). You have fairly good trash clear when this is combined with haste boost.

  20. #40
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    1- That we don´t need to level it every life because it´s a bad design that consumes too much time outside of quest.

    2- That it don´t reset and leave the player weak while ddo´s staff takes a month and a half to answer the player and the community manager simple pretend they didn´t see your post (but they will close a forum dicussion when people say that they are not satisfied with ssg´s decisions).

    3- The change could be adding one new tree in the trees we already have, this would be nice. But raising level cap or adding more bugs to ddo is a bummer. Actually I don´t understand why SSG´s staff always try to put a finger in things that are actually working instead of fixing the 30% of the game that is not working. For example, sorcerer was working and they nerfed it but it doesn´t make the other classes better, just put the sorcerer a sub par build for endgame. There is no need to brake a class to make people play other classes specially if it´s not the most played class in all server as ddo audit could tell.

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