I also wish they would leave them alone. Because they represent the best bang for the buck, reincarnation-wise, I'd wager that there have been more overall epic lives per character in the game than heroic lives. That is an investment of thousands of hours, and if that is not somehow adequately represented in the final product, then there will be a lot of really angry players, soon to be ex-players.

If they are going to invest the time into fixing epic-related items, how about fixing epic reincarnations generally so that they don't nuke your entire history at the slightest hiccup, and so that if they do nuke your entire history at the slightest hiccup, provide your technical support personnel with the tools required to actually restore *everything* that was lost, as if from backup, as if computer objects could be backed up and restored to a given snapshot in time, instead of slapping a bandaid on one round of xp per sphere and kicking us out the door