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  1. #1
    Community Member Smokewolf's Avatar
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    Aug 2006

    Default Ascendant Shroud: Vampire

    While in Vampire Form: +1 Enchantment DC. Your melee attacks have a (10%) chance to dominate your adversaries. On Hit: Target has a chance to be Paralyzed (Will save vs. DC 20 + INT Mod + Enchantment Spell Bonuses). On Save: -10% Movement and Attack Speed.
    Anyone know if this is working?

    Just ran Madstone Crater (Heroic-R1) and only saw this proc once for the 100 or so mobs killed! Far as I can tell, my combined save (@lvl 15) should be well over 45 at this point.

    Last edited by Smokewolf; 05-26-2021 at 08:20 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Morrissey87's Avatar
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    Apr 2018


    As a 10% chance which is low, 10 of 100 should be the number but rng is still rng and you could get 1 on a 100. But getting that 1 means it works.
    The healing from the shroud is also a chance (must be around 20% or so) and sometimes it procs once every few minutes and sometimes several in a row. Still the healing part is good for a melee char, the other not so much since you will lose lots of melee power and other offensive stuff on eld knight or other trees.
    The improved shroud being on tier 5 instead of 4 means your only good choice is if you are going spellcaster necromancer, in that case the only good benefit is shroud of the lich and its improved version, if you are going enchant dc you are better off going with the archmage tree for that purpose.

  3. #3
    Community Member Morrissey87's Avatar
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    But anyway which part wasn't working? Never used that improved vampire. The dominate part or the paralyze one? It seems the save for the dominate part isn't specified so it must be the same as the paralyze part or maybe just a normal d20+char level save which is low for monstruous humanoid types which tend to have good will saves. On the other hand the paralyze part says a chance but it doesn't say how much chance is.
    Also check if when you attack you see the will save floating text meaning it proced but was resisted or the blue splash if they immune or if nothing at all means it doesn't work but since is a chance you never know it could be bad rng.

  4. #4
    Community Member Enderoc's Avatar
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    madstone might be a greater enchantment

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    yep, mobs in the madstone crater have a weird set of immunities. try a different quest

  6. #6
    Community Member Morrissey87's Avatar
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    They, and you, are periodically buffed with a sort of rage spell that may give some immunities to them and prevent your spellcasting. Maybe the effect is scripted as a spell so you won't be able to proc it there because of madstone rage or maybe mobs are immune. Like they said, try different quests and see if it works.

  7. #7
    Community Member Smokewolf's Avatar
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    I believe that part of the issue is that there is an internal cool down in play. Case in point, cleaving with a 2-handed weapon, only one mob of the group hit, will trigger the proc. (Normally the targeted mob) Never mind that 4 or 5 mobs have been hit or that double strike triggers on each mob. Thus effectively the paralyze and dominate procs only once, then enters a cool down period. Never have I seen the effect trigger more than once every 5 seconds and even then it’s like extremely rare to see.

    Paralyze, triggers every so often but lasts maybe a second or two before breaking. Domination, rarely triggers (easier save) and when it does acts more like the mob is confused, rather than doing in something useful. Vampiric healing tends to trickle in every few seconds but is a pitiful amount even in Heroics. In Reaper rankings higher than 2-3 the healing effect is non-existant.

    Considering how fast a party can take down mobs, I’d think that the very least, cool down should be removed to make the effect at least semi-functional while with a group.

    Last edited by Smokewolf; 08-10-2021 at 11:48 AM.

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