I saw a video last night from Strimtom, where they were designing the Kobald enhancement tree. Along with that were a few references to a Shaman “Iconic” loosely based on the Sorcerer class... See here for details: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KpjoTMThOCU
A few things that were most interesting about the enh-tree:
1) Evasion (Tier 4) but IMHO due to their size, this should been a racial given ability not an enhancement.
2) Thrown “splash damage” toggle (Tier 2), which would be awesome for Alchemists.
3) Kobald only stacking buffs when within 30 ft of another Kobald (Tier 3 & 4), I’m assuming this is only with other players not mobs.
4) Walk thru monsters as a given ability, which should be nice for Rogues / Casters.
5) SLA’s have a material component requirement but otherwise appear somewhat “useful”.
6) Due to their small size, the Inability to use traditional 2-H weapons and thus normal 1-H weapons are now considered large. Example: a longsword would be a 2-H for a Kobald.
7) Kobals will not wear gloves or boots, instead they will have two extra trinket slots. Not sure of the “Why” behind this but it will totally break up some of the gear-set choices players would have. Which could be the whole point or it could simply be to make things easier for the art-department.
Here is the write up Strimtom posted after the stream: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1...Qk/mobilebasic
All things considered this would make a good Ranged-Rogue, Bomber-Alchemist or PM-Wizard. In part due to the high Str penalty and the large weapon restrictions making melee a poor option. Only thing that’s totally overdone here is the -2 Con penalty on top of the already harsh -4 Str penalty.