Howdy again ya'll, Nonviolence here, back again (whether people want it or not, heh) with another Adventure Pack Idea! For just 650 TP, you can have access to Places Yet Unseen, an Adventure focused on the craft of Wayfinding that charts the world of Eberron and establishes Waypoints for various organizations and people.
The Plot Hook here is simple: The Wayfinders' Guild is always looking for Adventurers, Mercenaries, Free Contractors and Explorers to expand and refine the maps created and utilized by many, often through public or private expeditions, scouting... and occasionally infiltration... *ahem* There is an ever-present chance that things may become violent, and thus it behooves them to accept the assistance of -fodder- any time people interested in travel and surveying become available.
The Quests are as follows: Level 24 Epic
Quest 1 - Far Above The Clouds Questgiver is Xephius Malmagorm the Eccentric Treasure Hunter in House K.
Contracted through Wayfinder Myatka, House Kundarak Patron Xephius Malmagorm wishes to know more about the Bluespine Peaks. Very little, if any, effort has been mustered in an expedition to this location, and instead they have chosen to opt for a smaller preliminary scouting job, one which has squarely fallen at your feet. You take an airship and a small caravan as far as it can go before hoofing it yourself. As you begin your trek, a voice calls out from behind "Remember to watch out for the Gnolls and Giants... they are somewhat unfriendly!"...

>I can picture this quest as a lengthy but straightforward jaunt up a mountain to the peak, similar to Tempest Spine or the Wilderness Area in the Storm Horns. As a result of your upward Trek, you will encounter many of the same Enemy Types, like Harpies, Griffons, Stone Giants (Along with Hill Giants), Pseudodragons, Wolves, Earth Elementals and two Gnoll Types (Stoneclaw Gnolls who are Barbarians/Fighters & Skyspeaker Gnolls who are Shamans/Warchanters). This culminates in a fight with a powerful Gnoll Sorceror and a named Griffon. The quest ends when you place the Waypoint Beacon. Along the way, you have to collect Bluespire Gems, or the quest will not be completed, like in Lord of Stone.
Quest 2 - Deep Below The Earth Questgiver is Brennek d'Thuranni the Twelve Representative in the Market.
The Scholars of The Twelve had contracted Wayfinder Tenneslausen to help expand their understanding of the Subterrane, a sprawling underground world below the surface of Eberron that connects the world above with the twisted realm of Khyber. His expedition however, has gone missing, along with the contingent of adventurers who accompanied him. Wayfinder Myatka has asked you to mediate this issue, and go recover what can be recovered, deep below the earth.

>Accessed from the Subterrane Central portal in the Market, you descend into the quest and it plays out in a manner similar to Servants of the Overlord and Sharn's Undercity. There are a large number of Rock and Fire mobs, Umber Hulks, plenty of elemental foes and as a visual balance, living spells, and a large number of Lords of Dust cultists, as well as Khyber Cultists. That means Humans, Rakshasa, Orcs & Daelkyr Mobs (like Dolgaunts and Medusas) to keep players on their toes. You wind your way around spiraling paths, caverns and dead ends, rescuing the adventuring team (what survived at least) like in Search and Rescue, and then have to save the Wayfinder representative in question from being used in a Dark Ritual to call a Lord of Dust.
Quest 3 - A View to Die For Questgiver is Daeneth Glyss Priest of Balinor, who can be found in the Gatekeeper's Grove.
With the intention of clearing out an Ancient Forest long neglected by the Temple of Balinor, Daeneth Glyss has sought the help from both the Gatekeepers and The Wayfinders' Guild in charting and surveying the land. That said, the area is a hotbed for Undead activity. Under the suspicions that a Rogue Karrnathi Wizard is desecrating the land while cooperating with Devourer Cultists so close to Stormreach, you have been asked to help defend the expedition.

>This quest would be an open-map type quest, similar to the more recent Fey quests, where you have to clear various areas and complete a number of smaller objectives. Once a given area is clear of undead and cultists, it has to be consecrated by blessed water, much like in the Tomb of the Blighted. Similarly, there will also be Slimes, Troglodytes, Corrupted Water Elementals, Hezrou, Beholders, Thaarak Hounds, Corrupted Kelpies/Dryads, Plant Enemies and Undead of all types. The Boss would be a pair of Shambling Mounds accompanying the Wizard from Karrnath. The quest ends when all the Pools are purified. I would also include a bonus Red-Name boss, similar to Mired in Kobolds, where you can choose to break into a Sepulcher and release a Lich Avenger called Udrim the Skinflayer for a bonus chest and named loot.
And now for the Loot!
Quest 1
  • Gnollish Arbalest Great Crossbow 3[2d8]+6 Crit 18-20/x2 Darkwood, Pierce
  • 5d6 Piercing Damage
  • 12d6 Piercing Crit Damage
  • Brutal Bolts (Inflicts Vulnerability like Fetters)
  • Knee-Capping (Vorpal Slow, cripples movement speed)
  • Red Augment Slot
  • Stitched Griffon Hide Light Armor
  • Heightened Awareness (5)
  • Superior Nimbleness
  • Dodge +12%
  • Vitality +40
  • Blue Augment Slot
  • Omen of Thunder Heavy Pick 3[1d8]+7 Crit 19-20/x4 Adamantine, Magical, Pierce
  • 5d6 Piercing Damage
  • 12d6 Sonic Crit Damage
  • Cacophony
  • Peals of Thunder (Sonic Dot, 2d4 Stacks 20 Times)
  • Red Augment Slot
  • Stone Giant's Dirk Longsword 3[2d6]+7 Crit 19-20/x2 Stone, Magical, Pierce
  • 5d6 Slashing Damage
  • Stonedust DC 70
  • Stone Shatter (Stone Enemy Instakill, no save)
  • Greater Bleeding
  • Red Augment Slot

Quest 2
  • Blessed Chrism of Khyber Trinket
  • 1 of either CHA, WIS, INT, STR or DEX +11
  • CON +11
  • Curse of Evil (Good-Aligned players cannot use)
  • Evil Weapons (2d6 Evil Damage added to all Equipped Weapons)
  • Green Augment Slot
  • Spell-Twisted Striker Can be a Scimitar, Qstaff or a Light Repeating Xbow (therefore Slashing / Bludgeon / Pierce + Magical
  • Conjure Living Disintegration Cloud (like Shadow Eidolon, creates a scaled CR mob to assist on Vorpal Strikes)
  • Spell Spark (Random 5d6 damage)
  • 12d6 Force Crit Damage
  • Confusing Strike (DC 70)
  • Purple Augment Slot

Quest 3
  • Slime-Bound Bow Bow 3[1d8]+7 Crit 18-20/x2 Densewood, Pierce, Magical
  • Slime-Slathered Arrows (5d6 Acid Damage on Hit, 3d6 Bane Damage on Hit)
  • Greater Acid Arrow (Acid Dot)
  • Improved Destruction
  • Ranged Alacrity +20%
  • Red Augment Slot
  • Gravestone Warhammer Warhammer 3[1d10]+6 Crit 19-20/x3 Stone, Bludgeon
  • Bone Breaking
  • Felling the Oak
  • 12d6 Bludgeon Crit Damage
  • 5d6 Bludgeon Damage
  • Red Augment Slot
  • Vial of Purifying Water Necklace
  • Greater Regeneration
  • Healing Lore +12%
  • Heal +20
  • Vitality +40
  • Green Augment Slot
  • Lichlord's Blade Greatsword 4[2d6]+8 Crit 18-20/x3 Adamantine, Silver, Byeshk, Magical, Slashing
  • Truly Vicious (5d6 Bane Damage)
  • Greater Maiming (12d6 Bane Damage on Crit)
  • Metalline
  • Grip of Death (Vorpal Hold-Person, DC 70, inflicts Helplessness)
  • Orange Augment Slot

As always, please feel free to add Feedback, it is always welcome! Thanks for the read.