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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Jul 2014

    Default Crafting or Item hunt?

    I'm newly back to the game after a 5 year absence.

    Mostly I solo and all of my characters are on their 1st life. I've got a level 20 sorc and arti. Is it better to go hunting for item sets or crafting what I need from cannith?

    I've noticed that it's much more difficult to get any group together these days and when I do get one together no one wants to play anything other than reaper and I have trouble keeping up in those. Normally I just die and sit there till someone picks me up or the quest ends.

  2. #2
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    For the most part, level 15 named gear out of Sharn will take you to 29 at which point that gear would get replaces with legendary sharn/feywild/ravenloot gear (there's other bits of gear in between 15 and 29 that's nice too but the Sharn gear is just so sweet and strong). So depending on what of DDO points you've got laying around grabbing will do you good.

    Outside of that, is quite good for 21 gear and level 20 sentient weapons.

    Be sure to tell people you've been away from the game when joining groups. I know a bunch of players that are pretty much set on gear who will pretty much just pass along everything named and keep any eye out to make sure new/returning players aren't overwhelmed.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Thanks for the advice. Is the Sharn line something that can be solo'd?

  4. #4
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    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Keiichi_18 View Post
    Thanks for the advice. Is the Sharn line something that can be solo'd?
    Well...That depends. Everything can be soloed in theory. Comparatively speaking they are harder then similar level old heroics with much better saves. Since you're new, are you familiar with reaper mode?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stormraiser View Post
    Well...That depends. Everything can be soloed in theory. Comparatively speaking they are harder then similar level old heroics with much better saves. Since you're new, are you familiar with reaper mode?
    I played between 2010 and 2016. Though in 2016 I started a new account but haven't touched it since. My 20th level sorc is on her second life and is the only character with any PLs.

  6. #6
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keiichi_18 View Post
    Thanks for the advice. Is the Sharn line something that can be solo'd?
    Yes, what difficulty one can solo it on is a different question, but yeah, it is soloable. Upside, even if you can only do normal/hard this life, you'll still likely get a piece or two of gear from a full clear and next life you'll get a few more pieces, and after a few lives then you'll be fully decked out and running harder settings (or even faster if you farm it out to ransack).

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