Hi all,
I hopped on with friends for the first time in about 7 years... And crafting ensued...
I am unsure if the existing Cannith Crafting planner stopped working, or if I just couldn't figure it out. In any event, I made a new one with a different approach. I'm hoping this will make it easier to plan out multiple (or a full set of) items.
Temp location while being developed:
Click to add or remove enchantments. Click headings to expand or collapse them. Scroll to the bottom for saving your work to a file, or opening it again.
This is data-driven and at a 'beta' level of development... In particular, I believe there are more augment slot options available than I have captured here. If any option is present that shouldn't be, or visa versa, please let me know.
I intend to add a filter to make it easier for a Sorc, for example, to not have melee enchantments crowding things. Unsure when I'll find time, but feedback here will help me prioritize future work.
Hope someone finds it useful.