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  1. #1
    Community Member HumanJHawkins's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Thumbs up New Cannith Crafting Planner (Beta, but not bad I think)

    Hi all,

    I hopped on with friends for the first time in about 7 years... And crafting ensued...

    I am unsure if the existing Cannith Crafting planner stopped working, or if I just couldn't figure it out. In any event, I made a new one with a different approach. I'm hoping this will make it easier to plan out multiple (or a full set of) items.

    Temp location while being developed:

    Click to add or remove enchantments. Click headings to expand or collapse them. Scroll to the bottom for saving your work to a file, or opening it again.

    This is data-driven and at a 'beta' level of development... In particular, I believe there are more augment slot options available than I have captured here. If any option is present that shouldn't be, or visa versa, please let me know.

    I intend to add a filter to make it easier for a Sorc, for example, to not have melee enchantments crowding things. Unsure when I'll find time, but feedback here will help me prioritize future work.

    Hope someone finds it useful.
    Last edited by HumanJHawkins; 05-29-2021 at 02:21 AM. Reason: Updating a link
    Sarlona - Nyr Dyv Raiders
    Bloodbath, Smasher · Sonnkral, Finisher · Sentient, Caster

  2. #2
    Community Member darkniteyogi's Avatar
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    Oct 2010


    Thanks for sharing your planner!

    Yes, I noticed the planner I was using too has some bug happening.
    Cannith Crafting - YourDDO (
    I tried to report it but can't reach the owner.

    I am currently using this one.

  3. #3
    Community Member HumanJHawkins's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by darkniteyogi View Post
    <cut>I am currently using this one.
    Nice. I hadn't seen that one. That is definitely better (due to a more complete data set and simpler UI) for building any single item. It will be nice if I can gather the same data for mine.

    I think I'll keep working on mine because it is really trying to solve a different problem... The idea of effectively coordinating/balancing an entire set of items. And, I'd like to get to the point where all and only available combos of items/augments are listed. So, if the planner says an item can be found with a first blue augment slot and a second that is either yellow or colorless, then watching the auction house for a few weeks should turn up a matching item. (I.e. so you can plan a realistic complete build, then go after it).
    Sarlona - Nyr Dyv Raiders
    Bloodbath, Smasher · Sonnkral, Finisher · Sentient, Caster

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