Radiant Disciple (F2P)
Cleric 20
28pt 32pt Level Up
---- ---- --------
Strength 8 8 4: WIS
Dexterity 8 8 8: WIS
Constitution 16 16 12: WIS
Intelligence 10 10 16: WIS
Wisdom 18 18 20: WIS
Charisma 8 12 24: WIS
28: WIS
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Concent 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 23
Heal 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 23
Spellcr 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 23
12 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
1 : Maximize Spell
1 Human : Empower Spell
3 : Quicken Spell
6 : Empower Healing Spell
9 : Heighten Spell
12 : Spell Focus: Evocation
14 Swap : Spell Penetration replaces Empower Healing Spell
15 : Greater Spell Penetration
18 : Greater Spell Focus: Evocation OR Enlarge Spell
21 Epic : Epic Spell Penetration OR Wellspring of Power
24 Epic : Burst of Glacial Wrath
26 Destiny: Epic Spell Power: Positive OR Guardian Angel
27 Epic : Master of: Light OR Embolden Spell
28 Destiny: Forced Escape OR Mass Frog
29 Destiny: Fount of Life OR Deific Warding
30 Epic : Intensify Spell
30 Legend : Scion of: Celestia
2 Cleric : Healing Domain
1 Deity : Follower of: Aureon
6 Deity : Aureon's Instruction
- Cure Light Wounds (1), Nimbus of Light (1), Nightshield (1), Bless (2), <Any>, <Any>, <Any>
- Cure Moderate Wounds (3), Soundburst (3), <Any>, <Any>, <Any>, <Any>
- Cure Serious Wounds (5), Searing Light (5), Magic Circle Against Evil (5), <Any>, <Any>, <Any>
- Cure Critical Wounds (7), Holy Smite (7), Freedom of Movement (7), <Any>, <Any>, <Any>
- Mass Cure Light Wounds (9), Divine Punishment (9), Greater Command (9), <Any>, <Any>, <Any>
- Mass Cure Moderate Wounds (11), Blade Barrier (11), Cometfall (11), Heal (12), <Any>, <Any>
- Mass Cure Serious Wounds (13), Mass Protection from Elements (13), Greater Restoration (13), <Any>, <Any>, <Any>
- Mass Cure Critical Wounds (15), Fire Storm (15), Mass Death Ward (15), Death Pact (16), <Any>, <Any>
- Mass Heal (17), Implosion (17), True Resurrection (18), <Any>, <Any>
Enhancements (Spent: 80+0r +0u / Max: 80+0r +0u AP)
Radiant Servant (41 AP)
- Healing Domain, Pacifism, Positive Energy Burst, Improved Empower Healing, Positive Energy Shield, Radiant Servant
- Extra Turning III, Wand Mastery III, Divine Cleansing I
- Improved Turning III, Divine Healing I
- Intense Healing I, Unyielding Sovereignty, Martyrdom I
- Endless Turning III, Incredible Healing I, Divine Health
- Positive Energy Aura, Cure Focus, Reactive Heal
Divine Disciple (31 AP)
- Emissary: Light, Sacred Defense, Sun Bolt, Sunbeam, Sunburst
- Nimbus of Light III, Spellpower: Light III, Spell Critical: Light
- Spellpower: Universal I, Spell Critical: Light
- Searing Light III, Spellpower: Light III, Spell Critical: Light
- Holy Smite III, Evocation DC, Spell Critical: Light
Human (8 AP)
- Spell Power Boost, Wisdom
- Improved Recovery
- Traditionalist Caster III
Leveling Guide
- DD0 Emissary: Light; DD1 Nimbus of Light I, II, III
- DD1 Spell Critical: Light; DD2 Spell Critical: Light
- DD0 Sacred Defense; DD1 Spellpower: Light I; DD3 Searing Light I, II
- DD3 Searing Light III; Rad0 Healing Domain; Rad1 Divine Cleansing I
- Rad1 Extra Turning I, II; Rad0 Pacifism; Rad1 Extra Turning III
- Rad1 Wand Mastery I, II, III; Rad0 Positive Energy Burst
- DD0 Sun Bolt; Rad3 Unyielding Sovereignty; DD1 Spellpower: Light II
- DD1 Spellpower: Light III; DD3 Spell Critical: Light; DD2 Spellpower: Universal I
- DD3 Spellpower: Light I; DD4 Holy Smite I, II, III
- DD4 Evocation DC; DD4 Spell Critical: Light
- DD3 Spellpower: Light II, III; Rad3 Intense Healing I
- Reset Divine Disciple
- Radiant Servant: Improved Empower Healing
- (none)
- Improved Turning III, Divine Healing I
- Martyrdom I
- Endless Turning III, Incredible Healing I
- Positive Energy Aura, Reactive Heal
- Divine Disciple: Emissary: Light, Sacred Defense, Sun Bolt
- Nimbus of Light III, Spellpower: Light III, Spell Critical: Light
- (none)
- Searing Light II
- DD3 Searing Light III; DD2 Spellpower: Universal I; DD2 Spell Critical: Light
- DD3 Spell Critical: Light; DD3 Spellpower: Light I; DD0 Sunbeam
- DD4 Holy Smite I, II, III; DD3 Spellpower: Light II
- DD4 Evocation DC; DD4 Spell Critical: Light
- Rad5 Cure Focus; Rad4 Divine Health
- Rad0 Positive Energy Shield; DD3 Spellpower: Light III; DD0 Sunburst; Hum0 Spell Power Boost
- Hum0 Wisdom; Hum1 Improved Recovery
- Rad0 Radiant Servant; Hum2 Traditionalist Caster I, II, III
Destiny (24 AP)
Exalted Angel
- Avenging Light, Radiant Power III, Endless Faith III, Healing Power III
- (none)
- Piercing Spellcraft I
- Rebuke Foe, Blood and Radiance III, Excoriate
- Leap of Faith
- Sun Bolt, Divine Wrath
Twists of Fate (11 fate points)
- Piercing Spellcraft (Tier 3 Magister)
- School Specialist: Evocation (Tier 2 Magister)