Issue: A tiny shop with a person sized door, horses shouldn't be allowed.
Please auto-suppress your mount, like taverns, inside the following small buildings:
Hammer and Chain (Weapons and Armor)
Dagoward's Apothecary (Potions and Reagents)
House Kundarak:
Second Gauntlet Goods (Armor Brokers)
Liquid Charm (Potions and Reagents)
Cold-Fired Armory (Armor and Shields)
House Deneith:
Fare Trades (Weapon Brokers)
Dragon Tooth Arms (Weapons)
Lion's Head Armory (Armor and Shields)
House Jorasco:
Feather's Fall Apothecary (Potions and Reagents)
Empty Handed (General Vendor, Bags)
House of Wizardry (Potions, Wands and Scrolls)
House Phiarlan:
Object Desire (Potions, Wands and Scrolls)
Erstwhile Emporium (General Vendor, Bags and Repair)
Vestrii's Arms (Weapons)