Ive took finnaly 4th core DWS and impr crit: ranged focus at 12 lvl and i realize that my bow (which have 5% crit base) with taken at start this new Point blank shot had 10% crit and so i assume those (core + ic) should give me 20% crit (one boost to 15%, other to 20%) am I right? Since both boost crit range and wiki ddo doesnt say it doesnt stack i was sure it has to be. I was so happpy to see finnaly crit numbers when using any bow not just name ones but it gives to my bow only 15%. For exaple for longbow with keen gives 20%. So im asking did my understand for keen and ic relations are wrong? I always thought that one is replaced by another but they are same just keen/impact save the feat slot (ofc if u were using one weapon with this enh all the time), or its some kind of bug? I do not report this yet bcz im not sure of my rights.