I currently have a level 20/epic 10 sorcerer and for the most part, other than some heroic and racial trs I think Im pretty maxed out with equipment. I recently saw that the new update has fire and force scepters that might be a better fit than my legendary firestorm conduit. Since they cant be fused I would lose my orange meridian fragment but I would gain force power and force critical and some fire power as well with insightful. Iam a little worried to get rid of arcane augmentation from the staff and wondering what it does to the spells I use. I stay in draconic and mostly a nuker. I use fire burst, vortex, dragon breath and flyby along with ruin, greater ruin, meteor swarm and my dragonborn fire breath. i currently have dc around 110 for meteor swarm and 140 for draconic spells. Does augmentation affect those? it says character level and i know meteor swarm got knocked down to 20 levels. Kinda confusing to me that the base draconic adds caster levels and wondering if I should keep adding them up or not for max damage. I had the six from draconic, 3 from red dragon draconic enhancement, 1 from filagree and 2 from staff but now i eliminated some of them for potential farming the scepters with spell power. Anyway, if you have any advice or maybe able to tell me that i should keep the augmentation items please let me know, thanks!